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Issue 1 - Video Dreamer - Page 9 - Dream Ninjas


Adam Dravian:

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Dude Shinobi was originally named Duke Shinobi and he had blond hair. But then a couple people we showed the comic to mistook him for a Duke Nukem parody, which wasn't our intent (after all, Duke Nukem is extremely 90s—not 80s), so we altered him.

Speaking of name-changes, for the first several years that we talked about doing this project, it was called Shinobi Fist: Legend of the Badass Ninja. It wasn't until relatively recently that we decided to take it in a more satanic direction and renamed it Satan Ninja 198X. We still catch ourselves starting to refer to it as Shinobi Fist. So now I frequently end up referring to the comic as "Shino—fuck—Satan Ninja."


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