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Issue 1 - Video Dreamer - Page 18 - Jump Kick


Adam Dravian:

Reading these pages, I can just hear the synth-heavy 80s action movie score.

Speaking of music, Jessica and I would like to eventually record a song or two to serve as kind of companion pieces for the comic. It'd be fun.

tits or gtfo....  <3 it

Hairdo aside, Viper's got a Stallone-like look unless I'm mistaken? Good stuff!

Adam Dravian:

--- Quote from: Rijst on May 04, 2014, 02:18:21 PM ---Hairdo aside, Viper's got a Stallone-like look unless I'm mistaken? Good stuff!

--- End quote ---

Good call. We decided that Viper was going to be inspired by Mt. T and Stallone. He's even one-forth Italian (hence his last name).


--- Quote from: Adam Dravian on May 04, 2014, 08:29:07 PM ---Good call. We decided that Viper was going to be inspired by Mt. T and Stallone. He's even one-forth Italian (hence his last name).

--- End quote ---

His face in panel 2 is spot on.


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