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I'm on some serious Jessica withdrawal. The uniform is badass.

Adam Dravian:

--- Quote from: ViralInfection on October 23, 2018, 12:58:28 PM ---I'm on some serious Jessica withdrawal. The uniform is badass.

--- End quote ---

Hey, super awesome to see you here, dude!

Jessica got caught up doing a bunch of art for a friend's wedding, but it was a surprise, so she didn't want to stream while working on it. That's why she's been gone from Twitch for a while. But now that that's done, she'll be streaming again this week, I'm sure.

How much of a job would it be for Jessica to get her hair back to it's original color?

Adam Dravian:

--- Quote from: Red on October 27, 2018, 07:49:19 AM ---How much of a job would it be for Jessica to get her hair back to it's original color?

--- End quote ---

She'd have to go quite a while without dying it, but I don't see her doing that anytime soon. She's been coloring her hair since she was about 13, so we're not even too sure what her natural hair color would look like now. She's a natural blonde, but her hair's probably a much darker blonde now than when she was little. It'd be interesting to see.


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