Satan Ninja 198X

Forum => Discuss Blog Entries => Topic started by: Adam Dravian on January 21, 2016, 07:11:08 PM

Title: Some Updates to Old Comic Pages
Post by: Adam Dravian on January 21, 2016, 07:11:08 PM
Read the blog post here. (
Title: Re: Some Updates to Old Comic Pages
Post by: Rijst on January 22, 2016, 01:49:33 AM
No extra mullets though? ;)
Title: Re: Some Updates to Old Comic Pages
Post by: Adam Dravian on January 22, 2016, 02:21:42 AM
Actually, she did mullet up a couple dudes. Nothing too crazy though.
Title: Re: Some Updates to Old Comic Pages
Post by: Rijst on January 22, 2016, 10:12:58 AM
Actually, she did mullet up a couple dudes. Nothing too crazy though.

That's just the first step, in half a year's time every character will look like this..

Title: Re: Some Updates to Old Comic Pages
Post by: Rae on January 22, 2016, 01:47:03 PM
<3 gifs. Cool changes, and adding Patreon banner is a great idea. :)
Title: Re: Some Updates to Old Comic Pages
Post by: aett on January 23, 2016, 12:29:07 AM
Fantastic job. As always, I really admire the attention to details and the desire to constantly improve from both a visual and storytelling perspective.

(Back to that harrowing non-existence that is New Kid World...)
Title: Re: Some Updates to Old Comic Pages
Post by: Adam Dravian on January 23, 2016, 08:21:14 AM
Actually, she did mullet up a couple dudes. Nothing too crazy though.

That's just the first step, in half a year's time every character will look like this..


Haha, once the comic's all done, we'll have to eventually release a super special collectors Mega-Mullet Edition of Satan Ninja 198X, where this dream can come true. This stupid, stupid dream.

<3 gifs. Cool changes, and adding Patreon banner is a great idea. :)

And Satan Ninja <3s you!

Fantastic job. As always, I really admire the attention to details and the desire to constantly improve from both a visual and storytelling perspective.

(Back to that harrowing non-existence that is New Kid World...)

Holy shit, look who dropped by! Great to see you, aett. I recently called you out in the comments to page 8 of Issue 3 (, thinking that perhaps the Veronica/Heather panel would coax you out of hiding, but I see now it required a full-on topless Veronica to do it, even if it was only an enhancement to an old panel. Good luck in New Kid World, buddy.