Satan Ninja 198X
Forum => Discuss Anything => Topic started by: Adam Dravian on February 06, 2018, 01:59:58 AM
As I'm sure all you dudes know, Jessica's going through some health issues that are impairing her ability to work on the comic. Which means no new SN8X pages until she gets better.
That leaves me with a bit of a dilemma. I have blog posts written up and ready to post, but I've been holding off. Since the SN8X comic is the radical neon heart of this website, I don't imagine we'd be getting much traffic while the comic's not being updated.
So in a way, I suppose making such blog posts right now would feel like a bit of a wasted effort on my part, since they'd be less likely to be viewed by as many people. Any new blog post I make would also bump down my recent "State of the Comic" blog post, making it less likely that new visitors would learn what the current deal with the comic is.
On the other hand, if we don't post any kind of updates on this site, that would cause the site to become lower priority in search engine results. And, of course, the longer we go without posting any sort of update, the greater the chances are that people might forget about our little awesome corner of the Internet.
I'm basically just thinking out loud here. I'd be happy to hear any thoughts or suggestions.
On the one hand I remember those golden days you posted movie reviews up here during the first (?) hiatus and am tempted to say yes, yes of course you should post your content here.
On the other hand I see this was posted on the 6th and I'm reading it on the 19th so your fear of your work going unnoticed is quite well-founded.
You could briefly introduce the posts by saying you're updating while Jessica is getting better with a link to the other post. That said, if you need as much of your time and energy to support Jessica as you can get in between work then please don't. Jessica is much more important than providing us with free entertainment. You guys have been great working hard to get this up and don't really owe us anything. If it's no hindrance and you actually enjoy throwing something out there every now and then I'm sure we'll lap it up gladly whenever we come round to check up on you guys.. :)
My 2 cents..
Dear Mr. Dravian,
I accept the fact that you have take time off from Satan Ninja to look after Jessica as she is going through some health issues. I think that it's crazy that anyone could possibly forget about this great website. You can update us whenever you feel it's right. Like Rijst said, you could just post a link to the other blog post. Furthermore, I think you and Jessica are awesome
...and talented
...and very cordial
...hard workers
...and so radical
Does that answer your question?
Sincerely yours, Magnetron
On the one hand I remember how well these appetite suppressants work ( and those golden days you posted movie reviews up here during the first (?) hiatus and am tempted to say yes, yes of course you should post your content here.
On the other hand I see this was posted on the 6th and I'm reading it on the 19th so your fear of your work going unnoticed is quite well-founded.
You could briefly introduce the posts by saying you're updating while Jessica is getting better with a link to the other post. That said, if you need as much of your time and energy to support Jessica as you can get in between work then please don't. Jessica is much more important than providing us with free entertainment. You guys have been great working hard to get this up and don't really owe us anything. If it's no hindrance and you actually enjoy throwing something out there every now and then I'm sure we'll lap it up gladly whenever we come round to check up on you guys.. :)
My 2 cents..
Hi Adam, I hope Jessica is getting better! I think it's awesome that you're taking care of her and I don't think it'll affect the audience at all. We're all going to be here once you continue with the comic!
Wow, you dudes seriously rule. We're mega lucky to have such understanding fans.
Things are actually looking better for Jessica. She's not a hundred percent yet, but she's definitely a lot better than she was doing a month ago. There's still more doctor's appointments and evaluations for her to go through, but things are definitely looking up. She biggest problem she's facing now is being intimated by the huge backlog that's accumulated during her downtime.
Also, sorry it took me so long to come here and respond. I've been on a sort of avoiding this site, just because it would bum me out to think about how we're not updating it. But now I'm going to return to my practice of checking this site at least once a day.
And welcome to the forum Menard! ::high-five::