Satan Ninja 198X

Forum => Discuss Anything => Topic started by: DragonLord1975 on December 08, 2014, 05:24:42 PM

Title: "Karate Rap"
Post by: DragonLord1975 on December 08, 2014, 05:24:42 PM
I saw a weird 80s music video on YouTube called "Karate Rap". It's got that cheesy 80s vibe like most videos have showcasing karate. The whole production was filmed by Samurai Studios and sung by a band called Samurai.

Get a look at it on YouTube and you'll agree this is something in the line of the "Satan Ninja 198X" guideline, especially for Alex.
Title: Re: "Karate Rap"
Post by: Jessica Safron on December 08, 2014, 08:36:54 PM
Haha, oh yeah, Adam actually featured the Karate Rap a little while ago on the blog:

Shortly afterward, we received an email from Mrs. Seeger, who must have forgotten to replace the last guy's name after copy/pasting the body text, because it's addressed to some asshole named Adrian.

From: "Holly Seeger" <>
Date: Oct 10, 2014 10:49 PM
Subject: The Karate Rappers revisited
To: <>

Hey Adrian,

Thank you for your posting about our music video, "The Karate Rap."

Have you heard of our movie, "Sister Sensei." There are some interesting
characters in it from back in the day, ourselves excluded.

And then there's  "Martian Arts with Sensei Dave," a more recent contribution
which would invariably provide some additional enjoyable lambasting.

This video and the above-mentioned trailer, as well as more Karate Rapper anomalies can be found on the samfromglove channel on youtube-

Thanks again. Have a lovely day!


Sent from my iDojo

Holly Whitstock Seeger
845 590-7704
Title: Re: "Karate Rap"
Post by: Rijst on December 09, 2014, 03:53:34 PM
Is that really from her? I mean, you don't need a black belt to set up a gmail account like that. And then there's the "iDojo".. :P

Title: Re: "Karate Rap"
Post by: Adam Dravian on December 11, 2014, 03:41:20 AM
Is that really from her? I mean, you don't need a black belt to set up a gmail account like that. And then there's the "iDojo".. :P

It's the same contact information they have on their website, so I'd be it was actually her. Besides, who else would go around on their behalf trying to promote their stuff?

Heheh. I overlooked the iDojo. It just shows how dedicated they are to the gimmick. I applaud them.