Issue 4 Page 9 - Just Bad
August 4, 2018 - 11:52am by Adam Dravian
Click the preview image to check out the new page!
August 4, 2018 - 11:52am by Adam Dravian
Click the preview image to check out the new page!
August 1, 2018 - 6:45pm by Adam Dravian
Now that we’re back from hiatus, I bet some of you dudes are re-reading the comic to refresh your memory. Which makes this a great time to mention that one of our totally awesome fans has started a wiki for Satan Ninja 198X.
There’s not a whole lot there currently, but it looks rad and the structure is in place, it just needs more meat tossed on its bones. I’m actually tempted to add to it myself, but I feel it goes against the spirit of such things for a creator to get involved. Besides, it’s way more fun and rewarding for Jessica and I to see how others describe our comic.
We also have a TV Tropes page that another awesome fan started, but again, there’s plenty of room for that to grow.
Seeing our fans make and contribute to these sorts of things is so goddamn radical, it’s like receiving a jumping high-five to our creative morale. Not only that, but they also help spread the word about our comic. For instance, the more TV Tropes pages that mention Satan Ninja 198X, the more curious clicks we’ll get.
By the way, if you end up contributing a bunch of stuff to the TV Tropes page or the SN8X wiki, you should totally contact us and let us know so we can thank you. Perhaps we’ll even conjure up a little something to send your way.
What’s that? You say you don’t have time to dick around with TV Tropes or a wiki, but you’d still like to help out the comic? Well, first off, you rule for wanting to help. Second, you can help out by spreading the word about the comic. Especially to people who are into retro-’80s stuff or just like totally rad things.
Plus you can always contribute to the comic by supporting Jessica on Patreon. She’s revised her rewards, and now creates a monthly SN8X pin-up based on concepts submitted by and voted on by her patrons. Even contributing a dollar a month is enough to check out her Patreon pinups. She’s also already posted the next few pages of the comic there. She lost some patrons while we were on hiatus due to her health issues, so it’d totally make her day to gain some new ones.
July 28, 2018 - 1:29am by Adam Dravian
Fuck yeah! Satan Ninja returns from hiatus! Click the preview image to view the new page!
July 9, 2018 - 7:48pm by Adam Dravian
Rad news! Jessica’s feeling a lot better now, so we’re going to resume regular updates to this comic starting on Saturday, July 28th. Mega thanks to our fans that have been so patient and supportive through this, especially those of you that have continued to support Jessica’s Patreon (where, by the way, she’s recently posted the next three pages of Issue 4).
Also, here’s an enthusiastic cyber high-five to everyone who stopped by our table at the Anime Midwest convention this past weekend. To those of you that grabbed business cards and then followed through and actually came to this site: you rule! And to those of you who purchased stuff from us: you mega rule! Thanks!
(Click the "Comments" button if you'd like to see some pictures and video of us at the convention)
February 4, 2018 - 3:16am by Adam Dravian
Jessica’s been having health issues that’ve gotten worse over the past year. Nothing life threatening or anything, but she ended up having a bad reaction to some medication that was supposed to help her, so she’s been in total Bummerville these past few months.
That’s why things have been so quiet around here. She’s trying a different medication now, and we’re hopeful that she’ll soon be able to ninja flip her way back to Healthyland. Then she’ll resume kicking ass on the comic.
But for now, she’s going to focus on feeling better.
Now to end on some rad news: selected Satan Ninja 198X as one of the eight best webcomics of 2017! We’ve also booked a table at the Anime Midwest convention in Chicago, so if you’re in the area the weekend of July 6th, you should totally visit us.
All characters in Satan Ninja 198X are portrayed by actors aged 18 and older.
© Dark Relic Productions. 2014-2020.
Jessica Safron and Adam Dravian.
Web design by Jessica Safron.
Web development by Ghoul.