
Digital Comics

You might be wondering how these digital comics differ from what we've got posted on our site. First off, they're higher resolution, so you can zoom in and things still look mega rad. Check this zoomed in comparison:

Resolution comparison between web and downloadable comic pages

Plus each digital issue comes with bonus pages of concept art and sketches along with commentary by the artist, Jessica. And, by purchasing the digital issues you'll be helping to support Satan Ninja 198X and will officially become a rad dude (or dudette, if you'd prefer).

You can pay whatever you'd like for the downloadable issues, but the minimum payment is $1. Simply click on an issue below to begin your purchase.

Satan Ninja 198X Issue 01 - Video Dreamer (Cover Page)
Satan Ninja 198X Issue 01 - Video Dreamer

Satan Ninja 198X Issue 02 - Party Like It's 198X (Cover Page)
Satan Ninja 198X Issue 02 - Party Like It's 198X


We actually don't have any Satan Ninja 198X T-shirts (yet), but here's the next best thing: a badass Shredding Death T-shirt Jessica designed for Maddox, which you can purchase from his store:

Jessica Safron Shredding Death Maddox T-shirt