Author Topic: Canada Style  (Read 12736 times)


  • Neon Ninja
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Canada Style
« on: July 04, 2017, 01:03:23 AM »
Recently, Canada celebrated its 150th birthday and I was wondering, what would a Canadian version of Satan Ninja 198X be like? I know that in this comic the characters are named after American actors and actresses, ie. Matthew Broderick, John Cusack, Ally Sheedy, Kelly LeBrock.  Well except there's one named after Canadian actor Corey Haim (I think) and there's also Patrick Hyser, whose looks resemble another Canadian actor,  Rick Moranis, but I digress.  Anyways, the characters would obviously be named after Canadian actors and actresses, like most of the cast from SCTV for instance. And of course you have others like William Shatner,  Allan Thicke, Kiefer Sutherland, Dan Aykroyd, Phil Hartman, Leslie Nielsen, Michael J Fox, Michael Ironside, Margot Kidder, Rae Dawn Chong, etc.  You could also throw well-known directors like David Cronenberg, Norman Jewison, James Cameron and Ivan Reitman (born in Czechoslovkia in 1946, but moved to Canada in 1950).

As for singers and bands, you could have fictionalized versions of Rush*, April Wine, Neil Young, Bryan Adams, Bruce Cockburn, Kim Mitchell, Tom Cochrane & Red Rider, Glass Tiger, Prism, Helix, Anvil, The Northern Pikes,  Loverboy, Honeymoon Suite, Doug and the Slugs, Men Without Hats, The Jeff Healey Band (they performed several songs in the movie, Road House), etc.  *Rush is already referred to as Surge in Satan Ninja 198X, so I guess they'd have to called something different in the Canadian version. 

In regards to films you could include stuff like Prom Night, Heavy Metal, Scanners, Porky's, My Bloody Valentine, Class of 1984, Videodrome, Strange Brew, Anne of Green Gables and The Care Bears Movie.

Finally, you could include TV shows like You Can't Do That on Television, Fraggle Rock, Night Heat, The Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin, Inspector Gadget, Beetlejuice and so on

I could've added more stuff, but I think this is long enough, eh?
"My mind is aglow with whirling transient nodes of thought  careening through a cosmic vapour of invention."-Hedley Lamarr (Blazing Saddles)

Adam Dravian

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Re: Canada Style
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2017, 03:20:42 AM »
Oh man, you just totally schooled me on '80s Canada, Microwave Dude! I had no idea a lot of the stuff you listed is Canadian.

I know your point is to hypothetically ponder was the comic would be like if were were purely inspired by '80s Canadian media, but I'd like to point out that it wasn't ever our intention to make SN8X a strictly American comic. It's just that we've spent our entire lives here, so most of the stuff we're familiar with (and therefor draw influence from) happens to be from the US. However, we certainly take influence from '80s media from other countries. Of course Japanese anime springs to mind for our Ket character. And there are lots of European influences, especially musical, like the band Demon Hammer being inspired by overtly satanic metal bands like Venom.

Also, we already intended to take inspiration from some of the stuff you listed, so you'll be seeing more Canadian influences as the comic goes on.

And finally, how DARE you make a Canadian-centric post on the USA's birthday! Such audacity.  ;)

Oh yeah, and we totally made a reference to Scanners.


  • Neon Ninja
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Re: Canada Style
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2017, 08:44:38 PM »
Also, we already intended to take inspiration from some of the stuff you listed, so you'll be seeing more Canadian influences as the comic goes on.

Sounds great!  Canadians generally like it when we're mentioned by Americans, like on the Simpsons for instance because it's like, "Hey cool, they actually acknowledged our existence!"

And finally, how DARE you make a Canadian-centric post on the USA's birthday! Such audacity.  ;)

Well, consider it payback for uh, not using the Metric System, which is clearly better than the Imperial System!  :)

Oh yeah, and we totally made a reference to Scanners.

Cool!  I'll be sure to re-read the comic to see if I can spot it.  It's been a while since I've seen that movie though.

Finally, I hope you have an awesome Independence Day!
"My mind is aglow with whirling transient nodes of thought  careening through a cosmic vapour of invention."-Hedley Lamarr (Blazing Saddles)

Adam Dravian

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Re: Canada Style
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2017, 03:57:12 PM »
Finally, I hope you have an awesome Independence Day!

Thanks, it wasn't too shabby. We spent most of the day working on SN8X stuff, but that evening, some of our neighbors went all out with the fireworks, so we were able to see a big fireworks display without even leaving the house. It sort of pains me to think about how much people spend on something so fleeting, but hey, if that's how they want to spend their money...

Anyway, back on topic. Since we live in Michigan, we're almost pseudo-Canadians ourselves (much more so if we lived in the Upper Peninsula, but we don't). However, I've only been to Canada once, and it was a pretty long time go.

When my buddies and I had all turned 18, we went across the bridge that links Detroit and Canada. Visited a casino and a strip club. Casino's aren't really my thing. I put one dollar into a slot machine, won four dollars on my first pull, then put them back into the machine and lost, so I retired from gambling. Had a lot more fun at the strip club, since they had this one hot stripper that had a completely perfect big natural rack on her. After she gave me a private dance, I handed her what I thought was a twenty dollar bill as a tip, but she showed me that I had accidentally given her a hundred, and gave it back to me. I don't imagine a lot of US strippers would've been quite so honest ...

So yeah. Canada rules. Also, you gave us The Kids in the Hall, which played a huge role in developing my humor when I was in my teens.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2017, 03:58:53 PM by Adam Dravian »


  • Neon Ninja
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Re: Canada Style
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2017, 08:22:45 PM »
Thanks, it wasn't too shabby. We spent most of the day working on SN8X stuff, but that evening, some of our neighbors went all out with the fireworks, so we were able to see a big fireworks display without even leaving the house. It sort of pains me to think about how much people spend on something so fleeting, but hey, if that's how they want to spend their money...

I've seen the first and second page previews for Issue 4 on the Patreon page, and they look great!  I can't wait to see how the rest of the issue turns out!  Furthermore, I too don't see the appeal of fireworks.  Fireworks seemed pretty cool when I was young, but now that I'm an adult it's like, "meh".

Anyway, back on topic. Since we live in Michigan, we're almost pseudo-Canadians ourselves (much more so if we lived in the Upper Peninsula, but we don't). However, I've only been to Canada once, and it was a pretty long time go.

Only once?  Dude, you need to come up more often! 

When my buddies and I had all turned 18, we went across the bridge that links Detroit and Canada. Visited a casino and a strip club. Casino's aren't really my thing. I put one dollar into a slot machine, won four dollars on my first pull, then put them back into the machine and lost, so I retired from gambling.

So you guys went to Windsor, eh?.  Anyways, I've only been to a casino once, in Niagara Falls.  I had a bit more luck though.  I won about 16 bucks or so.

Had a lot more fun at the strip club, since they had this one hot stripper that had a completely perfect big natural rack on her. After she gave me a private dance, I handed her what I thought was a twenty dollar bill as a tip, but she showed me that I had accidentally given her a hundred, and gave it back to me. I don't imagine a lot of US strippers would've been quite so honest ...

If that hundred was American, then I can see the confusion since all your dollar bills are the same colour.  You Yanks ought to colour-code your dollar bills like Canada does.  Also, I've never been to a strip club before.  It's not that I'm against them or anything, it's just that I've never gotten around to visting one.

So yeah. Canada rules. Also, you gave us The Kids in the Hall, which played a huge role in developing my humor when I was in my teens.

Well, the USA is pretty cool too because after all, two of my favourite shows when I was a teen were The Simpsons and Seinfeld.
"My mind is aglow with whirling transient nodes of thought  careening through a cosmic vapour of invention."-Hedley Lamarr (Blazing Saddles)

Adam Dravian

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Re: Canada Style
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2017, 04:01:48 PM »
I've seen the first and second page previews for Issue 4 on the Patreon page, and they look great!  I can't wait to see how the rest of the issue turns out!

Thanks a lot for being a patron, Microwave Dude! I'm currently watching Jessica try to finish up the second page.

Dude, you need to come up more often!

I'm sure Jessica and I will eventually venture up there for some conventions. 

If that hundred was American, then I can see the confusion since all your dollar bills are the same colour.  You Yanks ought to colour-code your dollar bills like Canada does.  Also, I've never been to a strip club before.  It's not that I'm against them or anything, it's just that I've never gotten around to visting one.

No, it was Canadian. We exchanged our cash when we first crossed the border. I was just too distracted by the strippers "charms" (and too unfamiliar with Canadian cash) to notice.

I've only been to a strip club a few times (all when I was in my late teens), and none of my other visits were nearly as awesome as my one visit to the Canadian club, because that was the only time that I saw a stripper that was of such a high babe caliber that I was happy to shell out money to ogle her. I'm way too particular when it comes to women for most strip clubs to have much to offer me.