Author Topic: After School Satan Clubs  (Read 4115 times)


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After School Satan Clubs
« on: August 02, 2016, 01:18:10 PM »
Here's something interesting that I'd like to share with you all:

I watched the promotional video for the after-school program and it's really quite odd.  Basically I think it's a tongue-in-cheek reference to how people view Satanists.  There's also a link in the article that leads to the After School Satan website.  If you go on to the website, you'll not only see that odd promo video I mentioned earlier, but also a book called, "The Satanic Children's  Big Book of Activities".  What I found interesting is that the book is a major antithesis to the video.  The video is all creepy and shit, but the book looks completely innocuous. 
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Adam Dravian

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Re: After School Satan Clubs
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2016, 08:45:26 PM »
I love what the Satanic Temple has been doing in recent years. They keep pulling these stunts that serve as brilliant satire, highlighting why some people take issue with things like Christian after-school programs targeted at indoctrinating elementary school kids.

The promo video made me laugh. But man, couldn't they choose a font that'd better match the creepy tone?