Author Topic: Satan Ninja 201X?  (Read 88412 times)


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Re: Satan Ninja 201X?
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2016, 09:28:23 AM »
We see in the years to come...

Heather Hyser gets elected mayor of River City in 200X.

Valery “Viper” Viperelli gets a job investigating government corruption(he knew the territory! ;) )

"Psycho Sam" is currently residing in the state nut house!!!

Stanley "Trance" Sheen heads up his own robotics firm and eventually buys out the Pizza Wizard franchise.

Dean Slater is appointed ambassador to Guam(at least that's what he says...)

Corey Cusack is River City Police commissioner

Eddie McCarthy has dropped off the radar and hasn't been heard from since...!

The rest I'll leave up to YOU! :)

Heh, very interesting. Some odd choices there, especially Heather, Corey, and Dean. Anyway, I can't promise all these characters will survive 198X, let alone make it to 200X.

Do you feel that Heather and Dean are NOT the types to go into politics?!?  :-\

I'm not even sure that Corey would ever go into law enforcement...!  :-\

Adam Dravian

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Re: Satan Ninja 201X?
« Reply #16 on: September 17, 2016, 09:58:17 PM »
We see in the years to come...

Heather Hyser gets elected mayor of River City in 200X.

Valery “Viper” Viperelli gets a job investigating government corruption(he knew the territory! ;) )

"Psycho Sam" is currently residing in the state nut house!!!

Stanley "Trance" Sheen heads up his own robotics firm and eventually buys out the Pizza Wizard franchise.

Dean Slater is appointed ambassador to Guam(at least that's what he says...)

Corey Cusack is River City Police commissioner

Eddie McCarthy has dropped off the radar and hasn't been heard from since...!

The rest I'll leave up to YOU! :)

Heh, very interesting. Some odd choices there, especially Heather, Corey, and Dean. Anyway, I can't promise all these characters will survive 198X, let alone make it to 200X.

Do you feel that Heather and Dean are NOT the types to go into politics?!?  :-\

I don't imagine Dean being very good at public speaking, and his interests are too narrow (cars, babes, football) for him to have much of a desire for politics.

As for Heather, she's much smarter than Dean (smarter than most would assume, actually), but I don't think she has an interest in politics. I could see her being a writer or maybe a fashion designer.

I'm not even sure that Corey would ever go into law enforcement...!  :-\

Even if Corey was interesting in being a cop, he'd probably never make it past the police academy. I could actually see Corey going into politics, because he likes to hear himself speak and he likes to run things. However, he's more likely to end up running his own hole-in-the-wall comic book shop, where he could constantly feel like King Nerd as he schools his younger clients about all things geeky.


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Re: Satan Ninja 201X?
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2019, 07:46:22 AM »
So Maddox's character in Satan Ninja got his ass exploded by a Lich. I think I can like this comic again