Author Topic: Some final installments of classic 80's action  (Read 9650 times)


  • Rad Ninja
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Some final installments of classic 80's action
« on: January 07, 2015, 08:00:29 PM »
So I read something I've been waiting to hear for awhile.  Rambo 5 will be out in 2016!  Titled Rambo: Last Blood. Now I can say I'm a big Rambo fan, and I really enjoyed the last movie and was a little mad at myself for not seeing it in theaters.  This one has some promise to be just as good.  I can't wait to see an that old geezer shooting more bad guys. 

Also Stallone has announced the last installment of the Rocky series.  Rocky may have started in the 70's but 2 of the sequels landed in the 80's and with 1 in '79 and one and '90 they are drenched in 80's style.  I've never been a huge Rocky fan but they are cool movies.
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Adam Dravian

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Re: Some final installments of classic 80's action
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2015, 08:36:57 PM »
I know a couple years ago, Stallone was talking about making a Rambo movie where Rambo would have to help take out some kind of alien creature on the loose, Predator style. But a lot of fans rightfully pointed out how weird that would be to suddenly toss sci-fi elements into the Rambo franchise, so I think they dropped it.

Another Rocky movie seems odd to me. I thought the last one served as a good send off to the series.


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Re: Some final installments of classic 80's action
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2015, 08:57:40 PM »
I know a couple years ago, Stallone was talking about making a Rambo movie where Rambo would have to help take out some kind of alien creature on the loose, Predator style. But a lot of fans rightfully pointed out how weird that would be to suddenly toss sci-fi elements into the Rambo franchise, so I think they dropped it.

I remember talking with you on that idea.  I'm very happy that idea got scrapped.  From what I read it will be something to do with Mexican drug cartels.  This makes total sense because at the end of the last movie he went home to Arizona.

I also should say that I think Rambo will die in this film.  I'm guessing he makes amends with the USA and goes to war with the cartels and dies for his country at the end.  In First Blood the original script had him committing suicide (they even filmed it and released it as a bonus).  So I think they can bring that story full circle with that route.   

Another Rocky movie seems odd to me. I thought the last one served as a good send off to the series.

Yeah I still haven't seen the last Rocky film.  I've always meant to watch it and never got around to it.  I'm sure I'll get to it someday.  Maybe when this next one comes out on DVD I'll do a marathon. 
Sonny Crockett: Man, it's so hot you could fry an egg on my face.  Det. Ricardo Tubbs: Hope I never get that hungry.


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Re: Some final installments of classic 80's action
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2015, 10:00:20 AM »
So I read something I've been waiting to hear for awhile.  Rambo 5 will be out in 2016!  Titled Rambo: Last Blood.

Sounds like a hoax if I'm honest..
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  • Rad Ninja
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Re: Some final installments of classic 80's action
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2015, 02:15:51 PM »
So I read something I've been waiting to hear for awhile.  Rambo 5 will be out in 2016!  Titled Rambo: Last Blood.

Sounds like a hoax if I'm honest..

That would be sad.   
Sonny Crockett: Man, it's so hot you could fry an egg on my face.  Det. Ricardo Tubbs: Hope I never get that hungry.


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Re: Some final installments of classic 80's action
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2015, 02:54:59 PM »
So I was at the movies last night and I saw the trailer for the new Rocky film. 

As I said before I'm not a huge Rocky fan but this new movie looks awesome.  It will be starring Michael B. Jordan who was in one of my favorite TV show's "The Wire".  Basically Jordan play's Apollo's son and Rocky trains him to fight. 

So some great Sly Stone shit coming our way.  Hopefully Rambo is not too far behind. 
Sonny Crockett: Man, it's so hot you could fry an egg on my face.  Det. Ricardo Tubbs: Hope I never get that hungry.

Adam Dravian

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Re: Some final installments of classic 80's action
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2015, 10:36:49 PM »
I got to show Jessica Rocky IV for the first time a few weeks ago. I didn't realize how thin on plot that movie is. It's like 50% montage.

Not sure how I feel about a new Rocky movie, as I thought the last one capped things off nicely. Oh well, it's least it's a spin-off and not a true sequel.


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Re: Some final installments of classic 80's action
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2015, 10:55:59 PM »
Yeah IV was pretty awful compared to the rest.  I agree not a true sequal but it does look good.  Like I said though just closer to Rambo 5 and I cant wait.
Sonny Crockett: Man, it's so hot you could fry an egg on my face.  Det. Ricardo Tubbs: Hope I never get that hungry.