Author Topic: Hiatus Continues - Updated Issue 2 Pages Part 2  (Read 15108 times)

Adam Dravian

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Re: Hiatus Continues - Updated Issue 2 Pages Part 2
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2015, 11:49:46 PM »
Those updates are totally rad!

I am digging the lighting changes for the party. Looks awesome now.

Eddie has a lot of shelves.. and lost his preference for abstract art.. and now enjoys wearing stained clothing.


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Re: Hiatus Continues - Updated Issue 2 Pages Part 2
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2015, 06:17:26 AM »
and now enjoys wearing stained clothing.

Not sure if that is a lifestyle choice to be honest.

I agree, the lighting changes in the party really improve the atmosphere. I also spotted a cheecky background blowjob haha!

The GIFs are a really good way to show changes as well by the way. Eddie's room is massively improved. It looks a lot smaller and more consistent in its layout. That's probably because of the window, which gives some sense of direction in shots from different angles. In the new Satan Ninja panel he looks much more like an 80s rock star than in the old version so it definitely fits the theme better.

Now the real question is, are you guys going to post pages of the new issue in their final form or will there be another hiatus after that? I'm asking because I get the idea that, having drawn all the pages you can judge the issue as a whole and decide where improvements need to be made to smooth it out across pages more. It seems to work really well this way but I don't know if it feels like it for you guys.
Quote from: "The Boy" (Bad-Ass Ninjas)
I read on the internet that ninjas are hungry, you want some food?

Adam Dravian

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Re: Hiatus Continues - Updated Issue 2 Pages Part 2
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2015, 07:05:53 AM »
Eddie has a lot of shelves.. and lost his preference for abstract art.. and now enjoys wearing stained clothing.

I screencapped a lot of teen guy's bedrooms in '80s movies, and they all had a lot more stuff going on than Eddie's room did. Lots of shelves.

And as for the added stain, we decided that we needed to fuck up that shirt somehow. Because Eddie is talking about how he has nothing decent to wear to the party, but originally we had him wearing a perfectly fine T-shirt. In fact, that shirt seems to fit on him better than the other shirts we've shown him wear. Plus, it tickled me to have him change out of his newly stained ice-cream shirt, into a previously stained barbecue shirt.

I agree, the lighting changes in the party really improve the atmosphere. I also spotted a cheecky background blowjob haha!

Rijst wins our Issue 2 "Spot the Blowjob" contest that we never announced and have no prize for. Congrats!

The GIFs are a really good way to show changes as well by the way.

Totally. I was surprised by how easy they were to make. I might even go back and edit the old comparison posts to make those images into GIFs.

Eddie's room is massively improved. It looks a lot smaller and more consistent in its layout. That's probably because of the window, which gives some sense of direction in shots from different angles.

Also because I made detailed floor plans of Eddie's room (and his house, and Alex's house, and their yards...). He actually has a pretty big room that spans most of the width of his house, but it looks smaller because we crammed it full of stuff.

In the new Satan Ninja panel he looks much more like an 80s rock star than in the old version so it definitely fits the theme better.

You know, I was recently looking at it, and I thought the exact same thing. Which is kind of strange, because his costume didn't change at all. He's just drawn in a different pose, as we thought something looked off about the way he and Sam looked in the old version.

Now the real question is, are you guys going to post pages of the new issue in their final form or will there be another hiatus after that? I'm asking because I get the idea that, having drawn all the pages you can judge the issue as a whole and decide where improvements need to be made to smooth it out across pages more. It seems to work really well this way but I don't know if it feels like it for you guys.

We don't intend to ever go on a long hiatus like this again. Maybe we'll take a week or two off when things get hectic in our lives or in-between issues (to give Jessica time to make super rad covers), but certainly nothing like this. Issue 1 and 2 have been kind of a beta mode for this comic, as we learn the ropes. Once we come off hiatus and launch Issue 3, we intend to update this comic steadily until it's finished.

What happened during Issue 2, is Jessica was trying to balance her day job and doing the art for the comic (among other things). It seemed doable at first, but then her job started requiring her to work a bunch of extra hours, and so she fell behind and was struggling to get a page done a week, which is why a lot of Issue 2 pages were rushed out in an unfinished state.

But now, because we're insane, Jessica has quit her job and is focusing on the comic full time. So it should be much easier for her to keep the updates coming at a steady rate. We have a bit of a nest egg saved up, so we have maybe a year or so to make this comic profitable for us. At least profitable enough to warrant Jessica working on it full time instead of getting a normal job. It's a huge gamble, but hopefully it'll pay off.

All that said, the comic won't be truly done until it's all collected in 1 (possibly 2 or even 3) graphic novel volume(s). Up until that point, there's always a chance that we'll make adjustments to old pages. But I highly doubt our future issues will require nearly as extensive of makeovers as the first two.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2015, 07:09:59 AM by Adam Dravian »


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Re: Hiatus Continues - Updated Issue 2 Pages Part 2
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2015, 08:10:16 PM »
Prior to remodeling my house, there were many, many, so fucking many, shelves. Which had about three decades worth of filth build up on them, so I think it's safe to assume they were put up sometime in the 80s. Displaying crap on perpendicular slats must have been really popular then.

All the updates look super great. Much enjoyed the gifs. :)


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Re: Hiatus Continues - Updated Issue 2 Pages Part 2
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2015, 03:20:17 PM »
Really enjoyed all the updates for this post.  The night lighting is excellent.   

Really can't wait for Issue 3.
Sonny Crockett: Man, it's so hot you could fry an egg on my face.  Det. Ricardo Tubbs: Hope I never get that hungry.


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Re: Hiatus Continues - Updated Issue 2 Pages Part 2
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2015, 01:44:59 PM »
I agree, the lighting changes in the party really improve the atmosphere. I also spotted a cheecky background blowjob haha!

Rijst wins our Issue 2 "Spot the Blowjob" contest that we never announced and have no prize for. Congrats!

Is this a forum title to replace "Rad Ninja"?

The GIFs are a really good way to show changes as well by the way.

Totally. I was surprised by how easy they were to make. I might even go back and edit the old comparison posts to make those images into GIFs.

You can't retcon you blog posts man, we'll all look super lame not commenting on the rad gifs so we'll have to edit all of our replies as well

In the new Satan Ninja panel he looks much more like an 80s rock star than in the old version so it definitely fits the theme better.

You know, I was recently looking at it, and I thought the exact same thing. Which is kind of strange, because his costume didn't change at all. He's just drawn in a different pose, as we thought something looked off about the way he and Sam looked in the old version.

I think it's because his shoulders look broader and his belt appears to sit higher up the waist. His hair seems to be more voluminous and finally most people are used to viewing rock stars from this angle (when they're on stage or in videos) so maybe the perspective is the biggest cause here.

Now the real question is, are you guys going to post pages of the new issue in their final form or will there be another hiatus after that? I'm asking because I get the idea that, having drawn all the pages you can judge the issue as a whole and decide where improvements need to be made to smooth it out across pages more. It seems to work really well this way but I don't know if it feels like it for you guys.

We don't intend to ever go on a long hiatus like this again. Maybe we'll take a week or two off when things get hectic in our lives or in-between issues (to give Jessica time to make super rad covers), but certainly nothing like this. Issue 1 and 2 have been kind of a beta mode for this comic, as we learn the ropes. Once we come off hiatus and launch Issue 3, we intend to update this comic steadily until it's finished.

What happened during Issue 2, is Jessica was trying to balance her day job and doing the art for the comic (among other things). It seemed doable at first, but then her job started requiring her to work a bunch of extra hours, and so she fell behind and was struggling to get a page done a week, which is why a lot of Issue 2 pages were rushed out in an unfinished state.

But now, because we're insane, Jessica has quit her job and is focusing on the comic full time. So it should be much easier for her to keep the updates coming at a steady rate. We have a bit of a nest egg saved up, so we have maybe a year or so to make this comic profitable for us. At least profitable enough to warrant Jessica working on it full time instead of getting a normal job. It's a huge gamble, but hopefully it'll pay off.

All that said, the comic won't be truly done until it's all collected in 1 (possibly 2 or even 3) graphic novel volume(s). Up until that point, there's always a chance that we'll make adjustments to old pages. But I highly doubt our future issues will require nearly as extensive of makeovers as the first two.

I really really hope this gamble pays off for you two. It would be so cool to just be able to do this for a living! Also makes a film adaptation more likely. Until then though, we'll have to be satisfied with the products of your younger days..
Quote from: "The Boy" (Bad-Ass Ninjas)
I read on the internet that ninjas are hungry, you want some food?

Adam Dravian

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Re: Hiatus Continues - Updated Issue 2 Pages Part 2
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2015, 11:44:05 PM »
Is this a forum title to replace "Rad Ninja"?

Yeah. Eventually.

You can't retcon you blog posts man, we'll all look super lame not commenting on the rad gifs so we'll have to edit all of our replies as well.

All part of our plan to make you guys seem lame. That way, once we come off hiatus and begin promoting this thing again, our legions of new fans will be less likely to be turned off from commenting due to being intimidated by how ultra-rad you guys are.

I think it's because his shoulders look broader and his belt appears to sit higher up the waist. His hair seems to be more voluminous and finally most people are used to viewing rock stars from this angle (when they're on stage or in videos) so maybe the perspective is the biggest cause here.

Good observations.

Okay, take note, Jessica. From now on, we should try to make all Satan Ninja Eddie panels be from dick-level perspective.

I really really hope this gamble pays off for you two. It would be so cool to just be able to do this for a living! Also makes a film adaptation more likely. Until then though, we'll have to be satisfied with the products of your younger days..

Thanks! We'll never know unless we try, and since we're in a position to give it a shot, we're going for it.

And since you brought up videos from my younger days, now I have an excuse to post one of my favorites (featuring a mask that has made a cameo in our comic): Count Orlox Gets Head


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Re: Hiatus Continues - Updated Issue 2 Pages Part 2
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2015, 02:02:03 AM »
Okay, take note, Jessica. From now on, we should try to make all Satan Ninja Eddie panels be from dick-level perspective.

I tried so hard not to call it that you know?

And since you brought up videos from my younger days, now I have an excuse to post one of my favorites (featuring a mask that has made a cameo in our comic): Count Orlox Gets Head

Hahaha! I loved it! Nobody in this video acts normally. Where does The Rock keep getting his beers from? It's brilliant!

This video also reinforces my impression that tying a necktie around your head isn't very helpful in the Adam Dravian universe..

Quote from: "The Boy" (Bad-Ass Ninjas)
I read on the internet that ninjas are hungry, you want some food?

Adam Dravian

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Re: Hiatus Continues - Updated Issue 2 Pages Part 2
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2015, 03:37:42 AM »
I tried so hard not to call it that you know?

Haha! Hey, I showed some restraint. I was really tempted to make a joke about how familiar Jessica is with that perspective.

Hahaha! I loved it! Nobody in this video acts normally. Where does The Rock keep getting his beers from? It's brilliant!

The Rock? You mean The Duke!

And beers? Those weren't beers I was drinking, Science Dude. Afterall, who needs beers when you can drink... root beer!

Bit of trivia about the root beers. During that shot of us all ascending into the attic, it wasn't planned for me to find and sip a root beer. But while we were filming that part, I climbed up the ladder and noticed that I had left a can up there from earlier when we were scouting the house for locations to shoot scenes in, so I snatched it and took a sip. Because I'm a comic improv genius.

Also, in the scene where I pull a can of root beer out of my underwear, I didn't tell anyone I was going to do that ahead of time, so they had no idea what I was about to do during that scene.

This video also reinforces my impression that tying a necktie around your head isn't very helpful in the Adam Dravian universe..

But hey, at least you get to hear a sweet guitar riff.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2015, 03:39:28 AM by Adam Dravian »


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Re: Hiatus Continues - Updated Issue 2 Pages Part 2
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2015, 04:18:21 PM »
Bit of trivia about the root beers. During that shot of us all ascending into the attic, it wasn't planned for me to find and sip a root beer. But while we were filming that part, I climbed up the ladder and noticed that I had left a can up there from earlier when we were scouting the house for locations to shoot scenes in, so I snatched it and took a sip. Because I'm a comic improv genius.

Also, in the scene where I pull a can of root beer out of my underwear, I didn't tell anyone I was going to do that ahead of time, so they had no idea what I was about to do during that scene.

Exactly. Not to mention the bit where you go 'STOP! I need to take a piss..'. Most of the movie is completely random but it still ends by giving the viewers exactly what they were promised..
Quote from: "The Boy" (Bad-Ass Ninjas)
I read on the internet that ninjas are hungry, you want some food?