Yeah, avoiding sweaty activities helps. And the venues were sort of chilly. I had to lift those weights just to keep warm sometimes, but I also had to skip the "rave" and DDR.
Actually, right after the Glitter Milk thing, we went to a dance party at some co-op owned mansion. I wish we took pictures of that; I changed into an off-one-shoulder half-shirt and a skirt for that, but kept the rest of the costume on, minus the leotarad. I probably got sweatier there than I had been in years.
Well, what can I say? Very easy on the eyes, no wonder you won a prize with that.
Thanks! As for the prize, they said they'd email me about it, and that I'd have my choice of a print or something. Still haven't heard from them. Maybe they ended up being more impressed with Jareth after all and changed their minds.