G'day everyone from Australia! (I and no one I know never actually say that, I'm just emphasising I'm Australian).
So I've been following this comic since about early-December, and I've finally decided to make an account, because the convo's here always look like a blast. Just want to say that Jessica, your art style is awesome, and the very layout of this website is awesome too.
Anyway, I've decided that whenever you post a new page, I'll comment but also try guess whatever new 80s references there might be.
Hey, thanks a lot! And welcome to the forum.
OK I'm guessing Shade is somewhat based off Elriva (also, I believe I know who Shade really is and why she's nervous).
Elvira's in there, along with a couple others. I think I took a little inspiration for her eyeshadow from a picture of Siouxie Sioux.
You've been great at guessing so far. Even the guesses that didn't quite hit the mark have at least been in the right ballpark. And I thiiink you're the first person to point out Shade being nervous and whatnot. I can say that you're definitely on to something.

Rio bears a bit of an odd reference that I semi-inadvertently imposed on him. I don't think we've told all those details yet, so here they are:
Frost used to be the name of the guy currently named Rio, and Suther was the name of the white-haired guy. I was working on the page prior to this one, and I felt like Suther was waaay too much of a blatant
Lost Boys reference. Adam gave them those names in the first place, and I still feel like Frost was a better name for the lipstick guy than it is for the other guy, because it sounds so elfy and froofy. But in addition to my grievance with the name "Suther," Adam kept wanting to call
him "Frost" instead for some reason, maybe due to the white hair (come on, Adam, Frost was the one with snowy white dots on his dumb pajama shirt), so we made that change.
That left lipstick guy nameless. We brainstormed. One of my suggestions was to give him Morley's name because he ended up looking kind of like Morrissey, which sounds like Morley (Morrissey's one of Adam's favorite musicians; I'm not a big fan, but it seemed like a fitting enough connection). But Adam had named that character Morley for other reasons. Trying to think of a new froofy sounding name, I suddenly I asked Adam, "Hey, what was the name of the purple-haired guy in
Jem?" It was Rio. And then it dawned on us that our character even looks kind of similar to Patrick Nagel's cover illustration for Duran Duran's album
Rio. Duran Duran is a pretty far cry from goth (
Jem too, for that matter), but I was so happy about that coincidence. And that's the story of Rio's name.