This page is possibly the greatest thing I’ve ever written. Not sure where to go from here.
There are six movies in Dude Shinobi’s
Ninja Exploder series, with the most recent one being
Ninja Exploder VI: Cult of the Satan Ninja, which is the movie that inspired the arcade game that Eddie and Joe are playing at the start of the comic. I actually wrote a synopsis for each movie in the series, along with how they were received by fans and critics. I even started writing a script for the first movie, just for fun.
We’ll probably end up showing more scenes from Dude Shinobi movies as part of our monthly bonus comic series for
Jessica’s Patreon. Maybe we’ll even use that to eventually tell the complete story of one or more of the movies (the key moments, at least).
One of the challenges of creating this comic is that we want the SN8X-verse to walk a fine line, with one foot planted in wacky over-the-top land and the other foot planted in a land closer to reality. We feel that going too far into Wackyland can cause it to feel like nothing actually matters within the story, making it harder to actually become invested in it. That works fine for something that’s a pure comedy, but we feel that Satan Ninja 198X is a bit more than that. However, with the media within the SN8X-verse (like the
Ninja Exploder series), we’re free to go as over-the-top and wacky as we want.
And here's a mega-minor site update for you: I added an entry for the Cowabunga Ninja Gators to the
Glossary page.