Holy shit those are some sexy undies. I’ll make sure to let you all know as soon as we launch our SN8X sexy-wear clothing brand. I’m sure it’ll include mega-hot pentagram speedos for the dudes and sexy space leotards for the babes.
When Jessica first drew this page, the first panel was from a totally different perspective, showing Eddie and Alex sitting on the couch with our viewpoint being in front of them. The problem was that Jessica wasn’t sure what expressions to give them. They’re supposed to be tired from their long day of satan ninja experimentations, but also amused by the end of the movie they just watched. But if they’re sitting there looking sleepy yet happy they’d end up looking really stoned or something.
So Jessica decided to completely redraw the panel, changing the viewpoint to behind them. It delayed the page a bit, but hey, now you get to see some totally rad credits! (Well, at least in the hi-rez version.)