
What babe do you think should be crowned Miss 198X-verse?

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Author Topic: Poll: Favorite Satan Ninja 198X Babe  (Read 20234 times)

Adam Dravian

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Poll: Favorite Satan Ninja 198X Babe
« on: July 27, 2016, 09:45:01 PM »
Listed in alphabetical order. Maybe once we hit a certain number of votes, we can declare the winning babe Miss SN8X-verse and Jessica could do a new pinup of the character or something.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2016, 09:57:28 PM by Adam Dravian »


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Re: Poll: Favorite Satan Ninja 198X Babe
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2016, 06:56:20 PM »
So I went with Heather, though I think it will be a tough race between her, her sister Alex, Ket, and Minxy
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Adam Dravian

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Re: Poll: Favorite Satan Ninja 198X Babe
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2016, 11:02:43 PM »
So I went with Heather, though I think it will be a tough race between her, her sister Alex, Ket, and Minxy

Minxy has the disadvantage of hardly being in the comic so far. She's been on the TV once, on Eddie's poster, and on the Demon Hammer album cover that you can barely see within the comic. But that'll change...

Don't think Veronica will be a top contender, huh? What've you got against blondes?


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Re: Poll: Favorite Satan Ninja 198X Babe
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2016, 03:36:22 PM »
So I went with Heather, though I think it will be a tough race between her, her sister Alex, Ket, and Minxy

Minxy has the disadvantage of hardly being in the comic so far. She's been on the TV once, on Eddie's poster, and on the Demon Hammer album cover that you can barely see within the comic. But that'll change...

Don't think Veronica will be a top contender, huh? What've you got against blondes?

I've got nothing against blondes, but I do think personality can improve or degrade attractiveness. 
Sonny Crockett: Man, it's so hot you could fry an egg on my face.  Det. Ricardo Tubbs: Hope I never get that hungry.

Adam Dravian

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Re: Poll: Favorite Satan Ninja 198X Babe
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2016, 02:23:19 AM »
I've got nothing against blondes, but I do think personality can improve or degrade attractiveness.

Fair enough. But now I'm curious to know how you think Heather has displayed a better personality than Veronica. They're actually quite different, but that hasn't been shown much in the comic. So far, they've pretty much been shown to be different hair flavors of the same preppy popular girl archetype.


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Re: Poll: Favorite Satan Ninja 198X Babe
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2016, 07:45:14 AM »
I've got nothing against blondes, but I do think personality can improve or degrade attractiveness.

Fair enough. But now I'm curious to know how you think Heather has displayed a better personality than Veronica. They're actually quite different, but that hasn't been shown much in the comic. So far, they've pretty much been shown to be different hair flavors of the same preppy popular girl archetype.

Looks like you've painted yourself into a corner there Mich.. ;)
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Re: Poll: Favorite Satan Ninja 198X Babe
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2016, 05:06:39 PM »
I've got nothing against blondes, but I do think personality can improve or degrade attractiveness.

Fair enough. But now I'm curious to know how you think Heather has displayed a better personality than Veronica. They're actually quite different, but that hasn't been shown much in the comic. So far, they've pretty much been shown to be different hair flavors of the same preppy popular girl archetype.

Looks like you've painted yourself into a corner there Mich.. ;)

Actually I don't think I have really.  Some if it may be a bit reaching, but Heather has had more than enough opportunity to sling insults at Eddie the way Veronica and Dean have and has not.  She also Dates Ryan (it's Ryan right?) Who helped our man Eddie out.  Plus there is the whole thing that her and Eddie were childhood friends a prediction from her family upbringing leads me to believe that she has some emotion unlike Veronica.
Sonny Crockett: Man, it's so hot you could fry an egg on my face.  Det. Ricardo Tubbs: Hope I never get that hungry.

Adam Dravian

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Re: Poll: Favorite Satan Ninja 198X Babe
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2016, 09:21:29 PM »
Actually I don't think I have really.  Some if it may be a bit reaching, but Heather has had more than enough opportunity to sling insults at Eddie the way Veronica and Dean have and has not.  She also Dates Ryan (it's Ryan right?) Who helped our man Eddie out.  Plus there is the whole thing that her and Eddie were childhood friends a prediction from her family upbringing leads me to believe that she has some emotion unlike Veronica.

Let's see, in Heather's first appearance, she's pushing drugs on poor sad Veronica. So she's a drug pusher. Then Heather laughed right along with the others when Dean pushed Eddie down into the ice cream and his pants ripped. At the party, she seductively eats a hot dog in front of poor drunk Dean, tempting him with her feminine charms despite having a boyfriend and knowing that Dean's in a vulnerable state of mind because the love of his life just broke up with him. And then, when Dean makes a pass at her during this moment of weakness, she has the audacity to make a veiled threat about her boyfriend Ryan assaulting Dean. And then, after Eddie and Dean fight, Heather makes light of this highly sensitive situation by teasing Veronica and calling Eddie Veronica's new boyfriend, confusing her poor intellectually deficient boyfriend Ryan in the process. Later, when Heather's talking on the phone to Veronica, she suggests that Alex could be messing with her makeup, betraying her paranoia, and then she refuses to accompany Veronica to the dance club, even though she's Veronica's best friend and knows that Veronica has been going through a hard time lately. What a cold-hearted bitch. And when we last saw her, eating breakfast, did you not see how disrespectful she was to her loving father? Not only that, but she suggested that her poor younger sister doesn't even know how to be a girl.

Now let's look at Veronica. When we're first introduced to her, she's crying, obviously heart-broken over the loss of her boyfriend. Poor girl. Then Eddie adds salt to her wounds by objectifying her in his dreams, turning her into some prize to be won. Later, Eddie sees during the school lunch that she's distraught over her recent breakup, but instead of sympathizing with her in the least, he excitedly hatches a scheme to try to take advantage of her vulnerable state of mind. After school, he rudely interrupts her while she's trying to enjoy her ice cream and spend quality time with her friend. Then, when Dean confronts her, Eddie butts in in her defense, thus robbing Veronica of her agency in the situation. It's no wonder she laughs when Eddie falls into the ice cream, as I'm sure that laughter is the only thing holding back the tears. Later, when Veronica is trying to forget her sorrows and enjoy herself at Kyle Conner's party, Eddie rudely crashes the party and invades her privacy. He shoves a pig in her face, confusing the poor girl, and then has the nerve to ask her to be his prom date, despite not being in the same social or physical league as Veronica. But instead of angrily telling him to fuck off, Veronica starts to let him down nicely, that is, until Dean butts in. Then she even compliments Eddie, saying he probably knows how to treat a woman better than Dean. After Eddie reveals what a violent jerk he is by sucker punching Dean in the face and threatening him with martial arts, Veronica still finds it within herself to look very concerned when Dean jokes about throwing Eddie in the fire. What a heart that girl has! Then, when Eddie badgers her once again about the prom, she does the right thing. Instead of stringing him along, she lets him know it's not going to happen, and she even whispers this so as not to embarrass him in front of the whole party. Hell, she even thanks Eddie for helping her out with Dean. The girl is a fucking angel!

Jessica Safron

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Re: Poll: Favorite Satan Ninja 198X Babe
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2016, 08:10:42 PM »
Actually I don't think I have really.  Some if it may be a bit reaching, but Heather has had more than enough opportunity to sling insults at Eddie the way Veronica and Dean have and has not.  She also Dates Ryan (it's Ryan right?) Who helped our man Eddie out.  Plus there is the whole thing that her and Eddie were childhood friends a prediction from her family upbringing leads me to believe that she has some emotion unlike Veronica.

Let's see, in Heather's first appearance, she's pushing drugs on poor sad Veronica. So she's a drug pusher. Then Heather laughed right along with the others when Dean pushed Eddie down into the ice cream and his pants ripped. At the party, she seductively eats a hot dog in front of poor drunk Dean, tempting him with her feminine charms despite having a boyfriend and knowing that Dean's in a vulnerable state of mind because the love of his life just broke up with him. And then, when Dean makes a pass at her during this moment of weakness, she has the audacity to make a veiled threat about her boyfriend Ryan assaulting Dean. And then, after Eddie and Dean fight, Heather makes light of this highly sensitive situation by teasing Veronica and calling Eddie Veronica's new boyfriend, confusing her poor intellectually deficient boyfriend Ryan in the process. Later, when Heather's talking on the phone to Veronica, she suggests that Alex could be messing with her makeup, betraying her paranoia, and then she refuses to accompany Veronica to the dance club, even though she's Veronica's best friend and knows that Veronica has been going through a hard time lately. What a cold-hearted bitch. And when we last saw her, eating breakfast, did you not see how disrespectful she was to her loving father? Not only that, but she suggested that her poor younger sister doesn't even know how to be a girl.

Now let's look at Veronica. When we're first introduced to her, she's crying, obviously heart-broken over the loss of her boyfriend. Poor girl. Then Eddie adds salt to her wounds by objectifying her in his dreams, turning her into some prize to be won. Later, Eddie sees during the school lunch that she's distraught over her recent breakup, but instead of sympathizing with her in the least, he excitedly hatches a scheme to try to take advantage of her vulnerable state of mind. After school, he rudely interrupts her while she's trying to enjoy her ice cream and spend quality time with her friend. Then, when Dean confronts her, Eddie butts in in her defense, thus robbing Veronica of her agency in the situation. It's no wonder she laughs when Eddie falls into the ice cream, as I'm sure that laughter is the only thing holding back the tears. Later, when Veronica is trying to forget her sorrows and enjoy herself at Kyle Conner's party, Eddie rudely crashes the party and invades her privacy. He shoves a pig in her face, confusing the poor girl, and then has the nerve to ask her to be his prom date, despite not being in the same social or physical league as Veronica. But instead of angrily telling him to fuck off, Veronica starts to let him down nicely, that is, until Dean butts in. Then she even compliments Eddie, saying he probably knows how to treat a woman better than Dean. After Eddie reveals what a violent jerk he is by sucker punching Dean in the face and threatening him with martial arts, Veronica still finds it within herself to look very concerned when Dean jokes about throwing Eddie in the fire. What a heart that girl has! Then, when Eddie badgers her once again about the prom, she does the right thing. Instead of stringing him along, she lets him know it's not going to happen, and she even whispers this so as not to embarrass him in front of the whole party. Hell, she even thanks Eddie for helping her out with Dean. The girl is a fucking angel!

Michigander, I think your analysis is pretty mostly right on. Though I see Heather as having kind of a cold personality.

Adam, your analysis cracked me up, and I'm not sure if I think the joke is made better or worse by the fact that some of the cases could actually legitimately be made. Poor, desperate, obnoxious Eddie swooping in to be the rebound guy.

Adam Dravian

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Re: Poll: Favorite Satan Ninja 198X Babe
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2016, 06:23:03 AM »
Adam, your analysis cracked me up, and I'm not sure if I think the joke is made better or worse by the fact that some of the cases could actually legitimately be made. Poor, desperate, obnoxious Eddie swooping in to be the rebound guy.

I'm glad someone appreciates the wit in my big block o' text.


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Re: Poll: Favorite Satan Ninja 198X Babe
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2018, 02:14:52 PM »
So I went  this good reviews of sizegentics with Heather, though I think it will be a tough race between her, her sister Alex, Ket, and Minxy

Minxy has the disadvantage of hardly being in the comic so far. She's been on the TV once, on Eddie's poster, and on the Demon Hammer album cover that you can barely see within the comic. But that'll change...

Don't think Veronica will be a top contender, huh? What've you got against blondes?

Appreciated and feeling glad to tell you that you are right
« Last Edit: February 20, 2019, 01:09:05 PM by Ezequiel »

Adam Dravian

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Re: Poll: Favorite Satan Ninja 198X Babe
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2018, 11:25:34 PM »
So I went with Heather, though I think it will be a tough race between her, her sister Alex, Ket, and Minxy

Minxy has the disadvantage of hardly being in the comic so far. She's been on the TV once, on Eddie's poster, and on the Demon Hammer album cover that you can barely see within the comic. But that'll change...

Don't think Veronica will be a top contender, huh? What've you got against blondes?

Appreciated and feeling glad to tell you that you are right

Thanks, dude! And welcome to the forum.