Author Topic: Danger 5  (Read 5387 times)


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Danger 5
« on: July 31, 2016, 11:31:41 AM »
I was just wondering if anybody here has ever heard of or seen Danger 5.  At any rate it's an Australian action comedy TV series which involves five international spies that try to kill Hitler.  Series 1, which came out in 2012, is a campy 1960's interpretation of World War 2.  Series 2, which came out in 2015, is based in the 1980's.  Danger 5 can be seen on Netflix in case anyone's interested.  Anyways, I've seen all the episodes and I have to say that I liked Series 1 more than Series 2.  Series 1 is silly yet comical, but Series 2 is just totally bizarre.  I'm not saying I outright hate Series 2 because it does have its moments, but overall the quality isn't nearly as sharp.
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Adam Dravian

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Re: Danger 5
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2016, 08:50:53 PM »
I think I first heard of Danger 5 when we were tabling at conventions last year, and a few people recommend we check it out. We haven't, yet, because, well, we're usually too busy to watch stuff, and when we find the time, we try to make headway through the massive list of '80s movies we plan to watch. That's been the case for years, so we're waaaaaay behind on current shows and movies. A few weeks ago, we finally decided to break out of our '80s bubble briefly to watch Game of Thrones, because that's a show we've been interested in for a long time and we wanted to watch it before too much could be spoiled for us (we're totally spoiler crybabies).

But we're definitely interested in Danger 5. If I remember correctly, it was done by the same dudes who did the Italian Spiderman trailer, which was awesome. They did such a good job at making it seem authentically '60s.


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Re: Danger 5
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2016, 09:11:39 AM »
Never heard of it unfortunately, but then I'm notoriously oblivious to what's happening in the world..
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Adam Dravian

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Re: Danger 5
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2016, 02:18:32 AM »
If I remember correctly, it was done by the same dudes who did the Italian Spiderman trailer, which was awesome. They did such a good job at making it seem authentically '60s.

Not long after I posted this, I discovered that the trailer was later expanded into a short film, so Jessica and I watched it while we ate dinner. It was fun, but we thought the material worked better when it was just a trailer for a non-existent movie. It definitely had some laughs, but we felt a lot of the scenes dragged on for too long. The main chick was a total babe, though.