Author Topic: Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 37 - Garbage Day  (Read 15956 times)

Adam Dravian

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Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 37 - Garbage Day
« on: December 30, 2016, 04:47:14 PM »

Trash cans are one of those things that I knew tended to look a little different in the ‘80s, but it’s not exactly an easy thing to look up for reference. Off the top of my head, I could think of only a couple ‘80s movie scenes involving trash cans. The first is, of course, the scene from Silent Night, Deadly Night 2 which spawned the Garbage Day meme. Then I thought of the oddly similar “innocently taking out the trash only to get shot to death” scene in Commando. And lastly, though I’ve yet to see The Garbage Pail Kids Movie, I figured it must have a trash can somewhere in there, and sure enough there was one on the poster.

So it seemed the standard trash cans of the ‘80s were Oscar the Grouch style metal cans. Yet there were other types at the time, as this Rubbermaid commercial can attest.

By the way, Silent Night, Deadly Night 2 is so fucking weird in that it’s mostly a recap of the first movie. You know those sitcom or anime clip-show episodes that have a really thin plot that merely serves as an excuse for the characters to reminisce so the creators can phone in an episode by playing clips from older ones? It’s like that. Except it’s a movie. And only the second movie in the series. Seriously, there’s only like thirty minutes or so of new footage. However, some of those thirty minutes are pretty fucking glorious.

Also, Sam is being a bit presumptuous when he tells Corey he’s going to butt-fuck Debbie Slater; he hasn’t even approached her with his offer yet. Just to make that clear.


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Re: Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 37 - Garbage Day
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2016, 07:07:23 PM »
Trash cans are one of those things that I knew tended to look a little different in the ‘80s, but it’s not exactly an easy thing to look up for reference. Off the top of my head, I could think of only a couple ‘80s movie scenes involving trash cans. The first is, of course, the scene from Silent Night, Deadly Night 2 which spawned the Garbage Day meme. Then I thought of the oddly similar “innocently taking out the trash only to get shot to death” scene in Commando. And lastly, though I’ve yet to see The Garbage Pail Kids Movie, I figured it must have a trash can somewhere in there, and sure enough there was one on the poster.

So it seemed the standard trash cans of the ‘80s were Oscar the Grouch style metal cans. Yet there were other types at the time, as this Rubbermaid commercial can attest.
Well, according to this website, people started painting and decorating trash cans in the 1980's.  In addition, here's a Pac-Man trash can from the early 1980's.  Hey, now there's an idea: decorative Satan Ninja 198X trash cans!  Furthermore, will anybody at any point in this comic get shot to death while taking out the trash?  If so, will the shooter say some garbage related pun like, "Time to take out the trash?"

By the way, Silent Night, Deadly Night 2 is so fucking weird in that it’s mostly a recap of the first movie. You know those sitcom or anime clip-show episodes that have a really thin plot that merely serves as an excuse for the characters to reminisce so the creators can phone in an episode by playing clips from older ones? It’s like that. Except it’s a movie. And only the second movie in the series. Seriously, there’s only like thirty minutes or so of new footage. However, some of those thirty minutes are pretty fucking glorious.
So, will there be a future issue which will mostly be characters reminiscing about things they did in previous issues like, "Hey, remember that one time we played Crypts & Chimeras at that creepy house?", or "Hey, remember that time I used Psycho Sam and Snacky to weight lift?"

"My mind is aglow with whirling transient nodes of thought  careening through a cosmic vapour of invention."-Hedley Lamarr (Blazing Saddles)


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Re: Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 37 - Garbage Day
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2016, 08:39:43 PM »
In Hollywood movies all trash cans (or rubbish bins as we call them on this side of the pond) are metal so they make a satisfactory noise when knocked over - this is often accompanied by a cat howling. I was alive in the 80s, all of it, and I only remember the black plastic ones.

Adam Dravian

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Re: Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 37 - Garbage Day
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2016, 09:35:15 PM »
Well, according to this website, people started painting and decorating trash cans in the 1980's.  In addition, here's a Pac-Man trash can from the early 1980's.  Hey, now there's an idea: decorative Satan Ninja 198X trash cans!

Are you calling our comic trash?! Heh, well, I guess it can be a little trashy at times...

In my experience, the decorative trash cans tended to be the smaller indoors types, like that Pac-Man one. I certainly don't recall seeing any painted trash cans sitting out on the curbs in the '80s.

Furthermore, will anybody at any point in this comic get shot to death while taking out the trash?  If so, will the shooter say some garbage related pun like, "Time to take out the trash?"

Definitely something to consider. Apparently, taking out the trash was extremely hazardous, at least in the world of '80s movies.

So, will there be a future issue which will mostly be characters reminiscing about things they did in previous issues like, "Hey, remember that one time we played Crypts & Chimeras at that creepy house?", or "Hey, remember that time I used Psycho Sam and Snacky to weight lift?"

Great idea! A clip show version of a comic book. I wonder if that's ever been done?

In Hollywood movies all trash cans (or rubbish bins as we call them on this side of the pond) are metal so they make a satisfactory noise when knocked over - this is often accompanied by a cat howling. I was alive in the 80s, all of it, and I only remember the black plastic ones.

Right. All the trash cans in my neighborhood were like the one that the truck backs up into in the Rubbermaid commercial I linked to in my original post. However, the SN8X-verse is more inspired by '80s fiction than '80s reality, so the metal trash cans are more fitting for the setting.

Also, welcome to the forum, dude!


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Re: Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 37 - Garbage Day
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2016, 12:17:47 AM »
God damn, so much stuff on one page, stuff really starting to get down. Ending the year with a bang.
I listen to 80's music for a living, how about you?

Adam Dravian

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Re: Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 37 - Garbage Day
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2016, 04:46:42 AM »
God damn, so much stuff on one page, stuff really starting to get down. Ending the year with a bang.

Just wait'll we get to the events of Issue 4. Things that I've been waiting so many years for will finally be brought to life.


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Re: Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 37 - Garbage Day
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2016, 08:34:43 AM »
How many more pages before this chapter ends?

Adam Dravian

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Re: Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 37 - Garbage Day
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2016, 04:12:50 PM »
How many more pages before this chapter ends?

Just one. Page 38 will be the final page of Issue 3.

Any guesses as to what it's going to contain?


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Re: Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 37 - Garbage Day
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2017, 09:34:11 AM »

Just one. Page 38 will be the final page of Issue 3.

Any guesses as to what it's going to contain?

Yub Yub!!


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Re: Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 37 - Garbage Day
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2017, 05:03:58 PM »
First, happy new year!

How many more pages before this chapter ends?

Just one. Page 38 will be the final page of Issue 3.

Any guesses as to what it's going to contain?

Probably not Debbie Slater retrieving some of the stolen money.

I'll second Mumm-Rad's guess!
Quote from: "The Boy" (Bad-Ass Ninjas)
I read on the internet that ninjas are hungry, you want some food?


  • Neon Ninja
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Re: Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 37 - Garbage Day
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2017, 07:42:25 PM »
Well, according to this website, people started painting and decorating trash cans in the 1980's.  In addition, here's a Pac-Man trash can from the early 1980's.  Hey, now there's an idea: decorative Satan Ninja 198X trash cans!

Are you calling our comic trash?! Heh, well, I guess it can be a little trashy at times...

Just think of it as an interesting merchandising idea.  After all, if it's good enough for big leaguers like Star Wars and Peanuts, then surely it would be good enough for Satan Ninja, right?

How many more pages before this chapter ends?

Just one. Page 38 will be the final page of Issue 3.

Any guesses as to what it's going to contain?

Since it sounds like you're not limiting this to one guess per person, I'll go ahead and make multiple guesses.  Guess  #1: The Satan Ninjas get distracted by the arrival of the spaceship and would do some investigating.  They would then encounter Ket and Darwick and an altercation would ensue.  Naturally, Ket and Darwick would end up kicking the Satan Ninja's asses. Guess # 2: Psycho Sam will have an encounter on his way to trying to butt-fuck Debbie Slater.  It will either be Razor and his remaining gang or Mr. Skull (I think I'll go with Mr. Skull, why not?).  Guess #3: We get to see Jennifer and Toxic imprisoned somewhere deep within the Satan Ninja's lair.
"My mind is aglow with whirling transient nodes of thought  careening through a cosmic vapour of invention."-Hedley Lamarr (Blazing Saddles)