Author Topic: Issue 2 - Party Like It's 198X - Page 7 - Eddie's Gotta Ask Her!  (Read 18831 times)

Adam Dravian

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And the exposition continues. This is one of those pages that works just fine within the context of the issue, but isn't so stellar when it stands alone as the weekly update since there isn't any kind of action, joke, or crazy thing occurring.

Next week'll pick things up again.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2014, 01:55:59 AM by Adam Dravian »


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Re: Issue 2 - Party Like It's 198X - Page 7 - Eddie's Gotta Ask Her!
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2014, 07:43:53 PM »
And the exposition continues. This is one of those pages that works just fine within the context of the issue, but isn't so stellar when it stands alone as the weekly update since there isn't any kind of action, joke, or crazy thing occurring.

Don't worry about it - it's nice just knowing that the comic is continuing on schedule!

As for what we can discuss this week... how about the first edition of aett's Babe Alert. (Let me know if you think of a more '80s title.) Alex is looking adorable in her vest-and-tie combo, and in real life would be flat-out attractive. Since this is The Eighties, however, she looks like there will come a time in which she is seen dressed up in something more revealing and without her glasses, at which point she will be seen by all as a Mega Babe. Veronica and her friend are way off in the distance, but they have such distinctive figures that it's obvious that they are extremely well-built and they're both standing in sexy poses (possibly to score some discount ice cream).

Adam Dravian

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Re: Issue 2 - Party Like It's 198X - Page 7 - Eddie's Gotta Ask Her!
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2014, 01:10:32 AM »
Hah, babes are something I can totally get into (har-har). Actually, as the comic goes on, we're going to end up with quite the cast of babes. Probably enough to fill up the roster in our own Dead or Alive-esque fighting game spin-off. That would rule.

As for a more '80s name than "Aett's Babe Alert." Hmm ... I suppose "Aett's Babewatch" could work. Or maybe not. Even though Baywatch technically started in the late '80s, it's way more associated with the '90s. Kind of like The Simpsons or 90210.

As for what the future holds for Alex ... Well, I can tell you that you'll be seeing a different side of her in just a couple weeks. I'm glad you find her adorable. Way early on, after seeing one of the arcade pages, Ghoul (our web lord) told us he thought Alex looked like Peggy Hill. That actually inspired us to change her hair from brown to black. It's weird how I can look back at those early arcade pages and already see an evolution in Jessica's style compared to now. Eddie looks like he's maybe 12 years old in some panels on the "Pizza Wizard" page in particular.

As for Veronica and Heather, well, I'll just say that the Ice Cream driver is really enjoying his job at the moment.

And now some babe questions:

Favorite babe so far?
Most babe-alicous panel so far?
« Last Edit: July 27, 2014, 01:13:37 AM by Adam Dravian »


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Re: Issue 2 - Party Like It's 198X - Page 7 - Eddie's Gotta Ask Her!
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2014, 02:27:28 AM »
Hah, babes are something I can totally get into (har-har). Actually, as the comic goes on, we're going to end up with quite the cast of babes. Probably enough to fill up the roster in our own Dead or Alive-esque fighting game spin-off. That would rule.

At the very least, there should be a mock character select screen or something like the opening pages of the comic with the arcade game.

And now some babe questions:

Favorite babe so far?
Most babe-alicous panel so far?

So far? As much as I hate to admit it, Veronica. I don't normally go for that type, but she's clearly designed to look outrageously attractive, and she's had the most nudity so far. Plus, we've mostly only seen her in fantasies so far. Once we get to know her in "real life" (and when she's not actively crying), that typical Head Cheerleader attitude will lose her a lot of points. (But we'll see...!)

For question 2, along those lines, it'll have to be the first page of issue 2 since Fantasy-Veronica is being seductive.

I look forward to seeing all these other babes and having more competition for most babe-alicous panel!


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Re: Issue 2 - Party Like It's 198X - Page 7 - Eddie's Gotta Ask Her!
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2014, 12:26:12 PM »
For question 2, along those lines, it'll have to be the first page of issue 2 since Fantasy-Veronica is being seductive.

Gotta love the only explicit scene so far in the last panel on page 11 of the first issue though.

It's weird how I can look back at those early arcade pages and already see an evolution in Jessica's style compared to now. Eddie looks like he's maybe 12 years old in some panels on the "Pizza Wizard" page in particular.

Wow, I agree with that one. You could blame the lighting in there though..
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Re: Issue 2 - Party Like It's 198X - Page 7 - Eddie's Gotta Ask Her!
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2014, 07:33:56 PM »
Ok so I'm always down for Babe talk.  I've been waiting for Alex to become more 80's stylish than 80's nerd. 
Sonny Crockett: Man, it's so hot you could fry an egg on my face.  Det. Ricardo Tubbs: Hope I never get that hungry.

Adam Dravian

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Re: Issue 2 - Party Like It's 198X - Page 7 - Eddie's Gotta Ask Her!
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2014, 03:23:43 AM »
At the very least, there should be a mock character select screen or something like the opening pages of the comic with the arcade game.

Oh, yeah. I'd love to see Jessica do some more pixel art, but I'm sure it's a pain in the ass. However, there's bound to be more in the comic at some point.

So far? As much as I hate to admit it, Veronica. I don't normally go for that type, but she's clearly designed to look outrageously attractive, and she's had the most nudity so far. Plus, we've mostly only seen her in fantasies so far. Once we get to know her in "real life" (and when she's not actively crying), that typical Head Cheerleader attitude will lose her a lot of points. (But we'll see...!)

Yeah, I have a pretty strong feeling that Veronica will be bumped out of your top babe slot as the comic goes along. It'll probably become a bit of a revolving door. Like I said before, she'll have a lot of competition.

For question 2, along those lines, it'll have to be the first page of issue 2 since Fantasy-Veronica is being seductive.

Heh. Jessica was going for a kind of porno-Barbie doll look in that panel, and I think she nailed it.

I look forward to seeing all these other babes and having more competition for most babe-alicous panel!

You and me both, buddy.

I've been waiting for Alex to become more 80's stylish than 80's nerd. 

You don't think Alex is stylish? Come on, just check out that vest and tie. Like aett said, she's looking adorable.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2014, 05:25:35 AM by Adam Dravian »


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Re: Issue 2 - Party Like It's 198X - Page 7 - Eddie's Gotta Ask Her!
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2014, 02:21:40 PM »
Quote from: Adam Dravian
Yeah, I have a pretty strong feeling that Veronica will be bumped out of you top babe slot as the comic goes along. It'll probably become a bit of a revolving door. Like I said before, she'll have a lot of competition.

That's amazing. It's silly to be anxious to see more comic babes, but man, bring 'em on. And more ninja action too, of course.

Heh. Jessica was going for a kind of porno-Barbie doll look in that panel, and I think she nailed it.

Absolutely. It's definitely a male teen fantasy pose, so it's very iconic.

I've been waiting for Alex to become more 80's stylish than 80's nerd. 

You don't think Alex is stylish? Come on, just check out that vest and tie. Like aett said, she's looking adorable.

Alex definitely looks like the kind of girl I would crush on in high school, only without the insanity bubbling just beneath the surface. Man, I don't miss those days!

Jessica Safron

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Re: Issue 2 - Party Like It's 198X - Page 7 - Eddie's Gotta Ask Her!
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2014, 05:07:12 PM »
Way early on, after seeing one of the arcade pages, Ghoul (our web lord) told us he thought Alex looked like Peggy Hill. That actually inspired us to change her hair from brown to black.

Nope! Alex's hair was always supposed to be black, as one could see in the concept art in the back of the PDF and upcoming print version of Issue 1. In an early version of the arcade scenes, I think I had some really dark brown mid-tones in Alex's hair and really dark blue in Trance's hair, and that was what Ghoul saw. Their hair really didn't look like it was supposed to be black, so I got rid of the brown and blue, and that fixed the Peggy Hill issue.

Also, I totally redrew her face in that second to last panel of the arcade scene. I think it was actually a lot more cutesy before, but too crappily drawn or something.

Oh boy, there are some babes I'm definitely looking forward to introducing, haha. I can't wait!


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Re: Issue 2 - Party Like It's 198X - Page 7 - Eddie's Gotta Ask Her!
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2014, 04:15:13 PM »
You don't think Alex is stylish? Come on, just check out that vest and tie. Like aett said, she's looking adorable.

I do think she's attractive but I'm waiting for more of the typical 80's young female transformation to make Eddie open his eyes.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2014, 07:03:08 PM by Adam Dravian »
Sonny Crockett: Man, it's so hot you could fry an egg on my face.  Det. Ricardo Tubbs: Hope I never get that hungry.

Adam Dravian

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Re: Issue 2 - Party Like It's 198X - Page 7 - Eddie's Gotta Ask Her!
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2014, 07:04:57 PM »
I do think she's attractive but I'm waiting for more of the typical 80's young female transformation to make Eddie open his eyes.

Yeah, I knew what you meant. Just giving you a hard time.


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Re: Issue 2 - Party Like It's 198X - Page 7 - Eddie's Gotta Ask Her!
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2014, 03:49:54 AM »
I do think she's attractive but I'm waiting for more of the typical 80's young female transformation to make Eddie open his eyes.

Yeah, I knew what you meant. Just giving you a hard time.

Like a true badass..
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