Author Topic: Issue 2 - Party Like It's 198X - Page 22 - Demon Hammer  (Read 15959 times)

Adam Dravian

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Issue 2 - Party Like It's 198X - Page 22 - Demon Hammer
« on: November 15, 2014, 11:58:09 PM »

Minxy is a character Jessica originally drew as a pinup birthday present for me back in April of 2011. She put the piece, titled “Succubus Schoolgirl” on her deviantArt and it quickly became her most popular piece by far. A year later, she made a second pinup of the character, giving her the name Minxy.

I’m not sure when we came up with the idea of having her in the comic, but here she is, busting out of her schoolgirl outfit and shredding guitar.

Edit: Here are the links to the pictures on deviantArt, but since they contain nudity, you have to log in to the site to see them:
Succubus Schoolgirl
Succubus Schoolgirl II: Minxy Returns

Edit 2: Apparently I can hotlink them from deviantArt. So here they are (NSFW):

Some of you might be wondering what the fuck is going on with Sam’s hair. You see, way back when Jessica first drew a prologue to this comic in 2009, Sam was more of a skaterpunk with short(ish) hair that was bleach blond with dark roots showing. Shortly before we publicly launched the comic, we decided to revamp Psycho Sam, giving him long hair and turning him into more of a metalhead.

However, we recently realized that giving Sam long hair and sideburns made him look too similar to another character that’ll be introduced in the future.

So now you might be thinking, “Okay, so wouldn't it be more logical to redesign the character that hasn't been introduced yet?”

That’s a great point, but we had another issue with Sam's long-haired look. We envision him as being into both metal and punk, but the long-haired look pushed him too far into the metalhead direction. With his current (and hopefully final) redesign, he looks more “right” to us.

Jessica updated his appearance in most of the previous pages, but she still needs to do the cover to issue 2, the one Psycho Sam panel in issue one, and Sam's profile picture on the website. Those'll be posted soon. In the meantime just chalk his chaotic evolving hair up to his "psychoness."

Also, Sam isn't playing guitar left handed; that's their reflection in the mirror.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2014, 07:43:22 PM by Adam Dravian »


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Re: Issue 2 - Party Like It's 198X - Page 22 - Demon Hammer
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2014, 02:31:56 AM »
Wow Granpa's suit should go over well.

Sams hair is whatrver you guys see fit but I really think its cool you've kept us in yhe loop on the creation and why.
Sonny Crockett: Man, it's so hot you could fry an egg on my face.  Det. Ricardo Tubbs: Hope I never get that hungry.


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Re: Issue 2 - Party Like It's 198X - Page 22 - Demon Hammer
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2014, 03:15:09 AM »
It's cool seeing the comic get edited in (somewhat) real-time. We're seeing stuff that all the new readers in the future will never see.

I just want Eddie to get to that party because shit is going to go down one way or another. There's no way that party won't be amazing to witness.

Babe Alert: Sweet, Minxy makes an appearance! Seems like she's destined to be more important later on, especially with the Satan theme of the comic and her being a succubus. With all these storylines... is it too late for me to be a reader who doesn't discover this comic for a few more years so there's a ton of back issues to catch up on? (Also, each week when there are no actual babes on the page I wonder if that'll be the last week that I do Babe Alert, at least on the male-centric weeks, but then the following week there's always some new babe(s) to talk about. Love it.)


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Re: Issue 2 - Party Like It's 198X - Page 22 - Demon Hammer
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2014, 04:53:44 AM »
Minxy is a character Jessica originally drew as a pinup birthday present for me back in April of 2011. She put the piece, titled “Succubus Schoolgirl” on her deviantArt and it quickly became her most popular piece by far. A year later, she made a second pinup of the character, giving her the name Minxy.

I’m not sure when we came up with the idea of having her in the comic, but here she is, busting out of her schoolgirl outfit and shredding guitar.

That passes for a school outfit where you're from? I clearly went to the wrong school..

Also, Sam isn't playing guitar left handed; that's their reflection in the mirror.

That's very well done, even the way the bandana is tied and the buttons on Sam's jacket are correct.

Quote from: Sam
I heard every time Jackie Chaos records vocals, he stands in a pentagram of blood while Minxy blows him. So Rad.

Rad indeed, is this why recording the vocals for your latest album took so long Adam?
No don't answer that..

« Last Edit: November 16, 2014, 04:02:55 PM by Rijst »
Quote from: "The Boy" (Bad-Ass Ninjas)
I read on the internet that ninjas are hungry, you want some food?

Adam Dravian

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Re: Issue 2 - Party Like It's 198X - Page 22 - Demon Hammer
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2014, 07:57:08 AM »
I just want Eddie to get to that party because shit is going to go down one way or another. There's no way that party won't be amazing to witness.

Very soon. And I'm ultra-pumped for it.

Babe Alert: Sweet, Minxy makes an appearance! Seems like she's destined to be more important later on, especially with the Satan theme of the comic and her being a succubus.

If she's actually a succubus. ;)

With all these storylines... is it too late for me to be a reader who doesn't discover this comic for a few more years so there's a ton of back issues to catch up on?

You could always bookmark our site and return to it in a few years. But by then it'll probably have been taken offline for the crime of overloading the 'net with radicalness.

(Also, each week when there are no actual babes on the page I wonder if that'll be the last week that I do Babe Alert, at least on the male-centric weeks, but then the following week there's always some new babe(s) to talk about. Love it.)

We have pages without babes? Fuck . I'll have to make Jessica go back and edit those pages to babe 'em up. I'll just make her draw tits on Eddie.

That passes for a school outfit where you're from? I clearly went to the wrong school..

Are you talking about what she's wearing on the latest page, or did you see the deviantArt picture? I intended to link to those deviantArt images, but the site was down when I wrote that post. Perhaps I'll edit the post and try again now.

That's very well done, even the way the bandana is tied and the buttons on Sam's jacket are correct.

But not the buttons on Eddie's cut up shirt (though she did get his chest pocket right). Jessica'll probably be bummed to know that slipped past her. Also, not sure if you noticed, but that thing on Eddie's head is actually a necktie that Sam turned into a make-shift headband.

Rad indeed, is this why recording the vocals for your latest album took so long Adam?
No don't answer that..



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Re: Issue 2 - Party Like It's 198X - Page 22 - Demon Hammer
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2014, 11:48:51 AM »
Are you talking about what she's wearing on the latest page, or did you see the deviantArt picture? I intended to link to those deviantArt images, but the site was down when I wrote that post. Perhaps I'll edit the post and try again now.

I hadn't seen the deviantArt picture so I was a bit confused about the rock band version. Anyway now I know where the school uniform comes from.

By the way, I had to register on deviantart and someone had already taken the name Rijst. The world is full of copycats it seems..

But not the buttons on Eddie's cut up shirt (though she did get his chest pocket right). Jessica'll probably be bummed to know that slipped past her. Also, not sure if you noticed, but that thing on Eddie's head is actually a necktie that Sam turned into a make-shift headband.

I did notice the necktie but I thought calling it a necktie would be weird. It makes him look slightly geeky but maybe that's just prejudice. Shame about the buttons but it's a very small detail that I didn't notice.
Quote from: "The Boy" (Bad-Ass Ninjas)
I read on the internet that ninjas are hungry, you want some food?

Adam Dravian

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Re: Issue 2 - Party Like It's 198X - Page 22 - Demon Hammer
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2014, 07:23:28 PM »
By the way, I had to register on deviantart and someone had already taken the name Rijst. The world is full of copycats it seems..

Jessica just told me I could have simply hotlinked the images from deviantArt, so I've edited my first post again to do just that.

As for the name, you should just do the same thing the Ghostbusters cartoon had to do in the '80s, when another Ghostbusters had beaten them to the punch: name yourself "The Real Rijst."

I did notice the necktie but I thought calling it a necktie would be weird. It makes him look slightly geeky but maybe that's just prejudice. Shame about the buttons but it's a very small detail that I didn't notice.

Jessica fixed the buttons, gave him more obvious moon boots, and I slightly revised some of the dialogue, so we've updated the page (you may need to refresh it to see the updated version).

Also, the necktie is totally supposed to make him seem geeky. Sam's attempt to give Eddie a metal guy makeover is basically a big failure. In my script, I wrote that Eddie awkwardly looks at himself in the mirror, just before Sam tells him to get some "metal attitude." But instead of looking all awkward and uncertain, like I had imagined, Jessica decided to draw Eddie giving himself a kind of content smile. When I saw that, it made me laugh myself to tears. I doubt anyone would find that quite as funny as me, but I love it.


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Re: Issue 2 - Party Like It's 198X - Page 22 - Demon Hammer
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2014, 02:09:49 AM »
By the way, I had to register on deviantart and someone had already taken the name Rijst. The world is full of copycats it seems..

Jessica just told me I could have simply hotlinked the images from deviantArt, so I've edited my first post again to do just that.

As for the name, you should just do the same thing the Ghostbusters cartoon had to do in the '80s, when another Ghostbusters had beaten them to the punch: name yourself "The Real Rijst."

I totally should have, instead I went for the lame and uninspired Rijst01. It's not as bad as it looks, I'm not an artist so the chances of me ever putting anything out there are ridiculously small. Unless it's some picture of bacteria or something..

I did notice the necktie but I thought calling it a necktie would be weird. It makes him look slightly geeky but maybe that's just prejudice. Shame about the buttons but it's a very small detail that I didn't notice.

Jessica fixed the buttons, gave him more obvious moon boots, and I slightly revised some of the dialogue, so we've updated the page (you may need to refresh it to see the updated version).

Also, the necktie is totally supposed to make him seem geeky. Sam's attempt to give Eddie a metal guy makeover is basically a big failure. In my script, I wrote that Eddie awkwardly looks at himself in the mirror, just before Sam tells him to get some "metal attitude." But instead of looking all awkward and uncertain, like I had imagined, Jessica decided to draw Eddie giving himself a kind of content smile. When I saw that, it made me laugh myself to tears. I doubt anyone would find that quite as funny as me, but I love it.

Much better, this kept me awake last night.

If you're the only one laughing about something it's the ultimate insider joke..
Quote from: "The Boy" (Bad-Ass Ninjas)
I read on the internet that ninjas are hungry, you want some food?