Minxy is a character Jessica originally drew as a pinup birthday present for me back in April of 2011. She put the piece, titled “Succubus Schoolgirl” on
her deviantArt and it quickly became her most popular piece by far. A year later, she made a second pinup of the character, giving her the name Minxy.
I’m not sure when we came up with the idea of having her in the comic, but here she is, busting out of her schoolgirl outfit and shredding guitar.
Edit: Here are the links to the pictures on deviantArt, but since they contain nudity, you have to log in to the site to see them:
Succubus SchoolgirlSuccubus Schoolgirl II: Minxy ReturnsEdit 2: Apparently I can hotlink them from deviantArt. So here they are (NSFW):
http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/322/8/1/succubus_schoolgirl_by_jessicasafron-d6uq95u.jpghttp://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/110/1/7/succubus_schoolgirl_ii__minxy_returns_by_jessicasafron-d4x1o23.jpgSome of you might be wondering what the fuck is going on with Sam’s hair. You see, way back when Jessica first drew a prologue to this comic in 2009, Sam was more of a skaterpunk with short(ish) hair that was bleach blond with dark roots showing. Shortly before we publicly launched the comic, we decided to revamp Psycho Sam, giving him long hair and turning him into more of a metalhead.
However, we recently realized that giving Sam long hair and sideburns made him look too similar to another character that’ll be introduced in the future.
So now you might be thinking, “Okay, so wouldn't it be more logical to redesign the character that hasn't been introduced yet?”
That’s a great point, but we had another issue with Sam's long-haired look. We envision him as being into both metal and punk, but the long-haired look pushed him too far into the metalhead direction. With his current (and hopefully final) redesign, he looks more “right” to us.
Jessica updated his appearance in most of the previous pages, but she still needs to do the cover to issue 2, the one Psycho Sam panel in issue one, and Sam's profile picture on the website. Those'll be posted soon. In the meantime just chalk his chaotic evolving hair up to his "psychoness."
Also, Sam isn't playing guitar left handed; that's their reflection in the mirror.