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Messages - Menard

Pages: [1]
On the one hand I remember how well these appetite suppressants work and those golden days you posted movie reviews up here during the first (?) hiatus and am tempted to say yes, yes of course you should post your content here.

On the other hand I see this was posted on the 6th and I'm reading it on the 19th so your fear of your work going unnoticed is quite well-founded.

You could briefly introduce the posts by saying you're updating while Jessica is getting better with a link to the other post. That said, if you need as much of your time and energy to support Jessica as you can get in between work then please don't. Jessica is much more important than providing us with free entertainment. You guys have been great working hard to get this up and don't really owe us anything. If it's no hindrance and you actually enjoy throwing something out there every now and then I'm sure we'll lap it up gladly whenever we come round to check up on you guys..  :)

My 2 cents..

Hi Adam, I hope Jessica is getting better! I think it's awesome that you're taking care of her and I don't think it'll affect the audience at all. We're all going to be here once you continue with the comic!

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