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Messages - kooky kabuki

Pages: [1]
Speaking of Patrick Hyser, I'm surprised no one has called us out yet on his '80-movie actor inspiration, since I think it's one of the most obvious in the comic...
HA! My first thought, "this guy is like ninja Rick Moranis"
Did somebody say "honey, I blew up the dojo"?

So how'd you stumble upon this little hidden gem of the Internet? Oh, and welcome to the forum. That's a totally excellent name and avatar. ::cyber high five::
::cyber five received:: Thanks! I didn't want just any tmnt image, I wanted a bizarre tmnt related product.
You have Maddox to thank for my fandom, after he was bragging about his inclusion on facebook.

Now if you want to get really nerdy and pedantic, you could also take into account that the moon is apparently full on May 1st, the night of Eddie's birthday part at the start of the comic...
Not that it matters, since it is indeed in an alternate universe that borrows elements from every year of that most radical of decades. 198X is essentially every year in the '80s, while at the same time it is none of them. In the horror novel I'm working on (unrelated to SN8X, aside from the fact that I wrote it, Jessica's illustrating it, and it takes place in the '80s), the setting and the tone are much closer to reality, so I actually did take into account the real world calendar of the year it takes place (1989). I even thought of incorporating the actual real-world weather, but I decided I'd rather use whatever weather best fit the mood of the story rather than be that obsessively true to reality. Especially since the story takes place in a made-up down and includes supernatural elements.

 :o I didn't even consider luna cycles!
Of course alternate universe, 198X is a concept I adore.
So I see you are way on top of this shit.
Looking forward to that horror novel!

Also, thanks for making me realize how much I'm like Viper.
I like to think there's a little Viper in all of us  ;)

Was there any day that date didn't fall on in the 80s?
Nope, pretty sure every date falls on every day of the week in that span of time. Except the good ole 29th of Feb.

Hi, discovered this comic a month or two ago, it is the most radical thing I've ever read! Love your work Adam and Jessica!

Just felt the need to point something out, since nobody else has (and it's trivial and nerdy as fuck, but what else is the internet for): Joe's journal says the date is Sat May 3, which as I discovered only occurred in the 80's in 1980 and 1986. That narrows down which year 198X is! But I suppose if it's in an alternate universe the calendar wouldn't need to be the same...

Anyway, hope that security job went smoothly, and you didn't have to deal with satanic ninjas, and that the elderly owner had a hot granddaughter who wanted to bone you!

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