Jessica told me she intends to respond to this, someday. But yeah, Rijst is right. She settled for classical. Which, is actually what she said in her story. Come on guys, work on that reading comprehension. 
Well I have great reader comprehension. I was still wondering though, Classical is a broad genre and while I occasionally enjoy it a very boring one. I really do like Rachmaninoff in minor keys though. Not sure I would like it sitting in a giant magnet though.
I personally would have wanted Al Stewart Year of the Cat.
I was actually gonna say, "To be fair, 'classical' is a whole genre." You beat me to it. Anyway, I have no idea what I listened to, specifically.
Wasn't the Xanax supposed to calm you down already? So what did you listen to in the end?
I was way more calm than I'd been any other time I'd had blood drawn or had an IV. Still had to wiggle my feet and whimper-hum when they put it in, but that's a far cry from crying, hyperventilating, sweating, my face and hands falling asleep, feeling like I'm going to throw up, etc. I have no idea why I'm such a giant baby about it.
I did try listening to Slayer's first album with ear buds when I had to get blood drawn the week after Christmas. It didn't help. That stuff normally pumps me up for anything, but I couldn't even pay attention to it.