A mega-long time ago, when we first wrote up a long-ass synopsis for this story, I wrote that this playful battle between Eddie and Alex would somehow result in a moment of awkward sexual tension. Jessica had me add a note to that part saying, “Somehow avoid making this groan-worthy.”
For instance, how many anime have a scene where a boy falls on top of a girl (possibly accidentally groping her tit in the process, or perhaps even landing face-first into titty-zone), and then the two of them spend a prolonged moment awkwardly staring at each other while blushing and doing those little nervous sounds. Then the girl typically slaps him, but instead of showing the slap, the view often cuts away to a more distant shot that doesn't show the characters, but we hear the slap echo out, likely startling some birds into flight...
Anyway, once it finally came time to for me write up the actual script for this issue, I still didn’t go into any greater detail for the moment of awkward sexual tension, basically leaving it up to Jessica to figure out while drawing the page.