I have been trolling this forum for a little bit. I have tried a few times to join but the whole activation to email thing wasn't working so I gave up for a bit and today decided to try again and it worked! So, I am the guy that forced Adam and Jessica to talk "family friendly" on their first podcast. I love the feedback on the interview that you have given to both of them. I am curious as the host, how did I do? FYI, media group I belong to has the family friendly policy I just have to play by the rules and basically try to avoid the infamous "explicit" warning.
I come in and check for new pages every couple of weeks and love what I see. I took a screen cap of Shade from one of the most recent pages and tweeted about loving how she looked. Jessica quickly called me out on twitter based on my comment of liking "girl next door" type.
Nice to be in the forum officially now.
Heh heh, we'll see about that whole "girl next door" thing.
I have been trolling this forum for a little bit. I have tried a few times to join but the whole activation to email thing wasn't working so I gave up for a bit and today decided to try again and it worked!
Hey! Nice to see you here, Dave. Though that's sort of distressing that you had such a hard time signing up for the forums. Now I'm going to lie awake at night pondering the legions of Satan Ninja fans that have tried to join our community here and were unable. If only they were all as tenacious as you.
So, I am the guy that forced Adam and Jessica to talk "family friendly" on their first podcast. I love the feedback on the interview that you have given to both of them. I am curious as the host, how did I do? FYI, media group I belong to has the family friendly policy I just have to play by the rules and basically try to avoid the infamous "explicit" warning.
I actually have a suggestion. If you ever use the censor "beep" again, turn that fucker way down next time.
I agree with Adam about the beep thing. Slightly eardrum-explodingly loud. A couple of my friends gave me the same feedback regarding the beep.
Back in 2011 or so, a friend of mine wanted to start doing a "nerdy" podcast with me and another friend of ours. We recorded one episode (we never released it to the public) and he ended up beeping me a few times and it had the same earsplitting problem, except more frequent I think. We ended up having conflicting schedules, so it didn't work out, but I think another factor was that he wanted it to be family friendly, and I thought it was silly to have a podcast that censored itself. I get why someone would want to do that, especially if they're part of some larger network of podcasts. But dangit, I wanted to talk about stuff like, "Why is it so common for hentai artists to draw nipples that look like little volcanoes with gaping holes in them?? Are there girls in real life with nipples like that? Are these artists assuming that milk ejaculates out of a single opening, like how dicks work, except to satisfy hungry babies instead of horny babes-who-want-to-have-babies? Gah, I've even seen stuff where girls get fucked in their weird nipple holes. I just don't get it!"
Anyway, I thought it was a joy to be on your podcast. You were really easy to talk to, even though I couldn't talk about horrible things!