When we were coming up with the birth name Eddie’s hippie mom burdened him with, we wanted something super dumb and ‘80s and girly. Thus, Baby Moondreamer was born. He’s so lucky that Grandma eventually relented and allowed him to change his name to Eddie McCarthy, but those first couple years of school were brutal for poor Ed.
Speaking of Grandma, when I was researching for her character, I read up a bit on the effects a stroke can have, and it’s so fuckin’ weird how much it can change a person's personality. Usually it causes previously existent personality traits to become more extreme, but sometimes it causes the victim to take on personality traits that are the complete opposite of their pre-stroke selves. In the case of Grandma McCarthy, she went from being somewhat reserved and over protective, to being outspoken and generally carefree without much regard for the feelings of others.
We had showed the Minxy poster in a blog post several months ago during our hiatus, but Jessica decided to update it a bit for this page, mostly redoing her face and her boobs.