Author Topic: Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 27 - Baiting Bad Guys  (Read 10893 times)

Adam Dravian

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Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 27 - Baiting Bad Guys
« on: July 06, 2016, 09:13:35 PM »

I imagine it’s gotta be frustrating to suddenly have magical hell-spawned ninja powers, but no readily available bad guys to try them out on. So what’s one to do? Why, spend the day walking around the rough parts of the city, hoping to either witness some kind of crime or get harassed yourself. Which can make for a pretty boring day, as even in the shitty parts of River City, crime isn’t non-stop. Especially when a red-eyed muscular dude with cockrocker hair and a weird spiked leather getup is on patrol.

It reminds me of this one day, during my lame period as a self-destructive teen, I wore a pair of dumb looking neon pink and orange sunglasses to school, hoping to bait a “bully” into making fun of me so I could fight him. No one did, probably because I’d already been dismissed as a weirdo by that point. Or maybe I was mistaken and neon pink and orange sunglasses were actually really stylish at the time; I’ve never kept up with fashion trends.

Anyway, it’s rad to see some familiar characters from Issue 1 finally making a return to the comic. I know there’s also a certain badass character that’s been MIA since the first issue, but I promise he’ll be back eventually, and it’ll be glorious.

I don’t think we’ve revealed most of the punks' names yet, so here you go:

Razor (green-haired punk)
Toxic (female punk)
Scorp (black punk)
Sleaze (red mohawk punk)


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Re: Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 27 - Baiting Bad Guys
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2016, 02:57:36 AM »
Razor is played by The Prodigy isn't he?

Walking around in your undies is definitely the way to attract attention! Typical 80s bad neigbourhood where all the punks live and no normal people, never mind that razor's grandfather is the richest man in town (right? Or am I mistaken?).

I really wonder how this is going to end up, either he's going to beat up the whole gang or he's massively overestimaging himself and gets his arse kicked once again. This is Eddie after all..
Quote from: "The Boy" (Bad-Ass Ninjas)
I read on the internet that ninjas are hungry, you want some food?

Adam Dravian

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Re: Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 27 - Baiting Bad Guys
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2016, 04:06:05 AM »
Razor is played by The Prodigy isn't he?

No way, The Prodigy is way too '90s. Like, ultra '90s. I get what you're saying with the hair, though. Just a coincidence. The main inspiration for the appearance of this group of punks comes from what might possibly be Jessica's favorite '80s movie:

Typical 80s bad neigbourhood where all the punks live and no normal people, never mind that razor's grandfather is the richest man in town (right? Or am I mistaken?).

You totally deserve a high five for remembering who Razor's grandpa is, since it's only mentioned once way back on the 6th page of the comic. However, his grandpa is probably the second wealthiest resident, with Dean's dad, the owner of SlateCorp, being the first. Actually, a lot more about that will be coming up in the comic really soon.

I really wonder how this is going to end up, either he's going to beat up the whole gang or he's massively overestimaging himself and gets his arse kicked once again. This is Eddie after all..

Or we'll once again subvert expectations and have the encounter be diffused without any action going down. Like we did when Alex challenged Dean in the front yard, or the anticlimactic C&C game in the Dark Dungeon... Nah, you won't have to worry about that. No more cock-teasing this issue. It's time to go all the way.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2016, 04:08:05 AM by Adam Dravian »


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Re: Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 27 - Baiting Bad Guys
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2016, 07:36:15 AM »
I hope Eddie won't leave Sam in a lurch! Also if Sam asks "Who's Jennifer?" Will they all point to the non-pink looking girl in the car?

Adam Dravian

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Re: Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 27 - Baiting Bad Guys
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2016, 09:35:39 AM »
if Sam asks "Who's Jennifer?" Will they all point to the non-pink looking girl in the car?

Heh, I'm not sure if that's a typo and you meant to say "non-punk," or if you're referring to the fact that the other chick, Toxic, has pink hair. But anyway, I would guess Razor either nods or points toward his sister after saying his line, or Sam could infer which of the two girls is Jennifer by her body language.


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Re: Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 27 - Baiting Bad Guys
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2016, 12:32:14 PM »
Sam in briefs! Figured him for commando!


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Re: Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 27 - Baiting Bad Guys
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2016, 07:20:26 AM »
Razor is played by The Prodigy isn't he?

No way, The Prodigy is way too '90s. Like, ultra '90s. I get what you're saying with the hair, though. Just a coincidence. The main inspiration for the appearance of this group of punks comes from what might possibly be Jessica's favorite '80s movie:

I though that, but yeah like you say the hair threw me off-guard. That trailer is amazing, the calm matter-of-fact voice stating that the dead are ready to party is brilliant.

Typical 80s bad neigbourhood where all the punks live and no normal people, never mind that razor's grandfather is the richest man in town (right? Or am I mistaken?).

You totally deserve a high five for remembering who Razor's grandpa is, since it's only mentioned once way back on the 6th page of the comic. However, his grandpa is probably the second wealthiest resident, with Dean's dad, the owner of SlateCorp, being the first. Actually, a lot more about that will be coming up in the comic really soon.

I really wonder how this is going to end up, either he's going to beat up the whole gang or he's massively overestimaging himself and gets his arse kicked once again. This is Eddie after all..

Or we'll once again subvert expectations and have the encounter be diffused without any action going down. Like we did when Alex challenged Dean in the front yard, or the anticlimactic C&C game in the Dark Dungeon... Nah, you won't have to worry about that. No more cock-teasing this issue. It's time to go all the way.

YES! All the way!

Unless with 'no more cock-teasing' this issue you meant that this issue is about to be wrapped up and you're saving the cock-teasing for the next one..  8)
Quote from: "The Boy" (Bad-Ass Ninjas)
I read on the internet that ninjas are hungry, you want some food?