Here’s a bit of SN8X lore that I’m not sure when or if it’ll ever get fully revealed in the comic.
Jeffrey “Razor” Moore is 20, while Jennifer Moore is 19. Lucas Moore and his wife Nancy couldn’t have children of their own, so they adopted the siblings when they were 4 and 3 years old. Since Lucas and Nancy were already in their late sixties at the time, they had the kids call them Grandma and Grandpa instead of Mom and Dad.
Nancy passed away 10 years before the start of the comic, and shortly after that is when Lucas Moore opened up the first Pizza Wizard (he had already made a fortune, first through an ancient treasure hoard discovery in 193X, and then again by opening up River City’s first multi-screen movie theater in 196X). Pizza Wizard was a big hit and has already branched out into a national franchise.
Razor moved out of Moore Manor so he could pretend to slum it up like a “real” punk, though he still collects a sizable weekly allowance from Lucas. Jennifer still lives at the Moore Manor while she attends college.