Satan Ninja's 100th page! (If you don't count the cover images.)
Jessica told me she particularly enjoyed the dialogue on this page. Speaking of dialogue,
Francis finally gets promoted from being a background character to having a speaking role. Also my original script for this page didn’t have Joe saying anything (he just looked on in shock), but Jessica pointed out to me that since none of these people have seen Eddie in his Satan Ninja form before, someone should probably at least question if that’s really Eddie.
So it seems that not only is English the universal language (as we learned in Issue 2), but Earth-time is also utilized around the galaxy. How convenient!
That reminds me of an ‘80s sci-fi movie we watched called The Hidden. There’s a scene where two alien beings who’ve come to Earth are talking to each other (in English, of course), and one of them mentions an event that occured “on Altair” (I’m guessing he meant on a planet in the Altair system, since I doubt the event took place on a star). Which makes me think: Wow, how amazing that Earth’s ancient astronomers correctly guessed the name of Altair!
Sorry about the wait for this page. Our intent was to put out a page a week once we came off our hiatus in October, but Jessica’s been having trouble meeting that rate. So we’re back to posting pages as they’re done, though we’ll continue to strive for weekly page releases.