Shit, I don't know, Science Dude. I think playing that game would be an endurance test to see how long you can tolerate that terrible music and those jumping sound effects. Also, it's really weird to see a GameBoy game blown up that large.
I remember playing a couple Wizards & Warriors games for the NES, and they were super hard. Or maybe I just super sucked at them.
I love that that game inspired you to build your own Lego Fortress of Fear.
Maybe the difficulty lies in the music and sound effects. That said, this was Gameboy era and sounds in general weren't great to begin with.
My Lego FoF didn't have those funny cracks in the bridge and walls though, but it did feature a multi-story tower with balconies (with impressive crenelation), little side-towers and of course a treasure chest at the top. The courtyard had a dungeon underneath and the gatehouse was a fortress in itself. Like I said, it may have expanded a little bit in my imagination..