Author Topic: Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 6 - Vektor Mode  (Read 27343 times)


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Re: Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 6 - Vektor Mode
« Reply #15 on: January 18, 2016, 03:27:37 PM »
I played with my huge supply of legos obviously. I did get out now and then but I didn't worship nature as much as trying to set fire to bits of it.  8)

So what was your childhood Lego theme of choice? Town? Space? Castle? Pirates?

I'm gonna guess Space. I was a Castle kid.

I mostly had castles and pirates, I built huge castles just for the fun of building them. You could call it an obsession I guess. I had a few space shippy things but not nearly as much of it. I would literally sit there building stuff for hours on end. If I get kids I want them to be like that, my parents must have had plenty of time for hobbies..

All right, well here's a ::cyber high-five:: to my fellow Lego Castle brother. But I actually played with my Lego sets very differently from you (and probably most kids). I'd follow the instructions and build the sets after I opened them, and then I mostly ignored the blocks and just played with the minifigs, like a little girl playing dolls. Except my stories were filled with sex and violence, with plot-lines usually ripped off from whatever movies or comics I'd recently consumed.

Ah that's great. Yeah I played with the figs a lot but there was usually a lot of building going on as well. My brother once had a game on his Game Boy (I forgot the name but I'll be looking for it the rest of the night) and I was inspired to build a huge castle. Which I did of course, and it's really cool in my mind so it's probably best there are no photos of it. Man I'm so excited about this I wish I lived closer to my parents' so I could go back and rebuild that castle haha. Boys will be boys..
Quote from: "The Boy" (Bad-Ass Ninjas)
I read on the internet that ninjas are hungry, you want some food?


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Re: Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 6 - Vektor Mode
« Reply #16 on: January 18, 2016, 03:35:03 PM »
Here it is: Wizards & Warriors X: The Fortress of Fear. This game was probably the most grim things got in Richard land..

Edit: I can't believe I struggled so much with this game, it seems so easy looking at this video of somebody playing it..
« Last Edit: January 18, 2016, 03:46:58 PM by Rijst »
Quote from: "The Boy" (Bad-Ass Ninjas)
I read on the internet that ninjas are hungry, you want some food?

Adam Dravian

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Re: Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 6 - Vektor Mode
« Reply #17 on: January 19, 2016, 06:28:02 AM »
Here it is: Wizards & Warriors X: The Fortress of Fear. This game was probably the most grim things got in Richard land..

Edit: I can't believe I struggled so much with this game, it seems so easy looking at this video of somebody playing it..

Shit, I don't know, Science Dude. I think playing that game would be an endurance test to see how long you can tolerate that terrible music and those jumping sound effects. Also, it's really weird to see a GameBoy game blown up that large.

I remember playing a couple Wizards & Warriors games for the NES, and they were super hard. Or maybe I just super sucked at them.

I love that that game inspired you to build your own Lego Fortress of Fear.


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Re: Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 6 - Vektor Mode
« Reply #18 on: January 19, 2016, 08:03:27 AM »
Shit, I don't know, Science Dude. I think playing that game would be an endurance test to see how long you can tolerate that terrible music and those jumping sound effects. Also, it's really weird to see a GameBoy game blown up that large.

I remember playing a couple Wizards & Warriors games for the NES, and they were super hard. Or maybe I just super sucked at them.

I love that that game inspired you to build your own Lego Fortress of Fear.

Maybe the difficulty lies in the music and sound effects. That said, this was Gameboy era and sounds in general weren't great to begin with.

My Lego FoF didn't have those funny cracks in the bridge and walls though, but it did feature a multi-story tower with balconies (with impressive crenelation), little side-towers and of course a treasure chest at the top. The courtyard had a dungeon underneath and the gatehouse was a fortress in itself. Like I said, it may have expanded a little bit in my imagination..  8)
Quote from: "The Boy" (Bad-Ass Ninjas)
I read on the internet that ninjas are hungry, you want some food?

Adam Dravian

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Re: Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 6 - Vektor Mode
« Reply #19 on: January 19, 2016, 10:53:26 PM »
Maybe the difficulty lies in the music and sound effects. That said, this was Gameboy era and sounds in general weren't great to begin with.

I don't remember my GameBoy games sounding quite that bad. And I'm not going to bother to check and risk dispelling my rose-tinted nostalgia. Link's Awaking was a perfect game, dammit.

My Lego FoF didn't have those funny cracks in the bridge and walls though, but it did feature a multi-story tower with balconies (with impressive crenelation), little side-towers and of course a treasure chest at the top. The courtyard had a dungeon underneath and the gatehouse was a fortress in itself. Like I said, it may have expanded a little bit in my imagination..  8)

I hope you had your brother try to "play" through your castle with a knight minifig while you tossed little Lego bats at him.


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Re: Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 6 - Vektor Mode
« Reply #20 on: January 20, 2016, 10:48:29 AM »
My Lego FoF didn't have those funny cracks in the bridge and walls though, but it did feature a multi-story tower with balconies (with impressive crenelation), little side-towers and of course a treasure chest at the top. The courtyard had a dungeon underneath and the gatehouse was a fortress in itself. Like I said, it may have expanded a little bit in my imagination..  8)

I hope you had your brother try to "play" through your castle with a knight minifig while you tossed little Lego bats at him.

I tried but he left when I started a cassette recording of the background music and insisted he made the jumping noises.. ;)
Quote from: "The Boy" (Bad-Ass Ninjas)
I read on the internet that ninjas are hungry, you want some food?

Adam Dravian

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Re: Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 6 - Vektor Mode
« Reply #21 on: January 20, 2016, 02:53:43 PM »
My Lego FoF didn't have those funny cracks in the bridge and walls though, but it did feature a multi-story tower with balconies (with impressive crenelation), little side-towers and of course a treasure chest at the top. The courtyard had a dungeon underneath and the gatehouse was a fortress in itself. Like I said, it may have expanded a little bit in my imagination..  8)

I hope you had your brother try to "play" through your castle with a knight minifig while you tossed little Lego bats at him.

I tried but he left when I started a cassette recording of the background music and insisted he made the jumping noises.. ;)
