snacky fucking ROCKS!!!
Thanks. I love drawing Snacky so damn much.
Everyone's expressions are well-done on this page
Thanks. I love drawing expressive faces, too. I really like doing a page that shows a ton of varied emotions.
I noticed something odd right after exporting this page. I flipped between the previous page and this one in an image viewer and I noticed that, in almost the exact same spot on both pages, I drew Alex and Eddie with pretty much the same expression and hand gesture in the same direction from the same angle, both basically telling Dean to leave someone alone. I didn't intend that, hah.
And I'm surprised to see Alex's chest so clearly defined in her gi! I had figured that the vest outfit was chosen to help hide her figure (at least in-universe) until some kind of reveal, but then she could have wrapped up her breasts tightly in her gi if that were the case. Now I just think Eddie is a total moron for missing obvious hints (and subtle blushes) like in issue 1, page 7, panel 8!
Oh man, her chest does look way too defined in her gi! They were actually bothering me, mostly in panel 11, but I just tried not to worry about it and get the page done. But you're totally right: a gi simply wouldn't hang like that on her. I must have been in boob mode from drawing the other girls or something. That's such a mistake I made in my early teens, always making girls have these super defined boobs even when they're supposed to be wearing loose fitting clothes. This can go on the list of little fixes I should make before going to print, along with some weird mistakes with the tiny bounty hunter's costume a few pages back. As early readers, you guys are like our beta testers. Your payment is getting to have these odd early mistakes captured for you. Future readers won't get to see Alex's weirdly defined boobs on the site anymore.
Oh yeah, and not only do Alex's boobs look incorrect, but Adam actually told me a long long time ago that she'd probably tape her chest when doing karate stuff. I forgot about that.
Also, I see how that could look like blushing, but I believe it was just that weird lighting on her cheeks that everyone sort of had in that scene. Ooh, or maybe the super subtle blush I usually give to all the girls is showing up too strongly on your display. It's so minor on mine that I can't even remember if I gave it to her there, even looking at it.
Jessica and I waffled back and forth a bit about the idea of Alex “coming to Eddie’s rescue” on this page. On one hand, it seemed fitting, and we thought the idea of her flipping into the scene whirling nunchucks was funny. On the other hand, it’s the kind of thing that could easily be groan worthy. Hopefully, we pulled it off.
Alex to the rescue was Adam's idea, and I was against it at first. Then I thought about how it might be funny in a painfully lame sort of way. I felt like it was important to keep her from seeming too coolly sarcastic and smirky, like she was playfully being with Corey early in the issue. She's obviously upset here, which tragically makes it easier for someone to look foolish. Even if she's a capable fighter, she looks so goofy.