Merry Christmas 2016
December 25, 2016 - 5:29pm by Adam Dravian

We hope you're all having a super rad holiday time! (And if you don't get what's being referenced in the holiday image Jessica whipped up, you totally need to watch this video.)
Looking back at 2016, it was a bit of a mixed bag for us. On the plus side, we had our first interviews about SN8X, our first YouTube review, we went out to Hollywood to be guests on one of our favorite podcasts, we started a podcast of our own, I finally released my horror novel, Jessica's Patreon has passed the half-way mark toward her first goal, and of course we released a bunch of badass pages of SN8X.
On the downside, we haven't released nearly enough badass pages of SN8X this year. Especially these last few months as Jessica has been struggling with juggling various projects at once. We also didn't do a single convention appearance this year, and blog posts have been relatively infrequent due to me focusing on writing.
But 2017 is looking to be the year of the Satan Ninja. We'll be starting the fourth issue of the comic, which is where is everything in the story really falls into place. Just as Issue 1 was largely setup for Issue 2, Issue 3 has been largely setup for the events of Issue 4. Oh, man, I'm so goddam pumped for Issue 4! 2017 should also see us release new promo videos, and we'll finally debut a pseudo-secret SN8X side-project spinoff.