I made two pieces of erotic fan art (shown below) for my favorite show, The Biggest Problem in the Universe, a hilarious podcast hosted by Maddox and Dick Masterson. When I listened to today's episode (#63), I about died from fan-girlish glee hearing them talk about me and react to my art (starting at the 11:15 mark, and again briefly at the end of the episode). You can listen to the episode here. Satan Ninja even got a shout out.
To give you some context, the previous episode was the one that inspired the art (the parts relevant to the fan art are between the three and five minute marks).
If you can't listen to the episodes for some crazy reason, here's the gist: Their guest in Episode 62, Robin Higgins, mentioned that the first guy she ever jerked it to was Wesley Crusher from Star Trek TGN. So, Maddox and Dick mentioned the girls who motivated their first jerk-off experiences.
Maddox's description of his first jerk fantasies was especially weird, in the best way. So here he is with Mary from Quartet, a game for the Sega Master System. Flyin' off with their jet packs, fighting aliens, making out "pretty hard," and holding hands super romantically like Superman and Lois Lane (Dick actually inspired that last bit).
(Click the images to see the full-sized NSFW versions. I snagged these censored versions from their site.)

And here's Dick with American Gladiators Elektra and Diamond.

Dick didn't know that I did a piece for Maddox too until the night they recorded the new episode. I had a pretty fun email exchange with him. Bonus NSFW art: behold my sweet Google Hangouts drawing skills.
Subject: Dick Gladiators
Jessica Safron <jessicasafron@gmail.com> Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 3:28 AM To: dickmasterson@gmail.com
Hey! I drew some erotic fan art for you, inspired by your boyhood desires.
Jessica Safron
Dick's Gmail <dickmasterson@gmail.com> Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 3:31 AM To: Jessica Safron <jessicasafron@gmail.com>
Lollllllll that's the hottest shit I've ever seen.
Sent from my iPhone
Jessica Safron <jessicasafron@gmail.com> Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 4:13 AM To: Dick's Gmail <dickmasterson@gmail.com>
Excellent! Wow, that's quite the compliment coming from you.
[Rambling about being a long-time fan of Dick and Maddox.]
So, anyway... you can go fuck yourself in a sexy American gladiatorial joust.
Dick's Gmail <dickmasterson@gmail.com> Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 3:08 AM To: Jessica Safron <jessicasafron@gmail.com>
I just saw the size of Maddox's cartoon super cock and I'm super pissed off!!
Sent from my iPhone
Jessica Safron <jessicasafron@gmail.com> Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 3:21 AM To: Dick's Gmail <dickmasterson@gmail.com>
Sorry!! It was the right thing to do.
Jessica Safron <jessicasafron@gmail.com> Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 3:36 AM To: Dick's Gmail <dickmasterson@gmail.com>

Dick's Gmail <dickmasterson@gmail.com> Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 4:06 AM To: Jessica Safron <jessicasafron@gmail.com>
That's making it worse!
Sent from my iPhone
Jessica Safron <jessicasafron@gmail.com> Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 4:24 AM To: Dick's Gmail <dickmasterson@gmail.com>

Dick's Gmail <dickmasterson@gmail.com> Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 11:52 AM To: Jessica Safron <jessicasafron@gmail.com>
Hahahahaha. Much better. I can jerk off to this.
What's this aerobics cosplay thing?? Meow
Sent from my iPhone
Anyway, a while back, while I was drawing the early pages of Issue 2, I talked to Maddox about giving him a cameo in the comic and Adam ended up writing him into the script. Maddox brought that up on the podcast, so for anyone wondering about that, he'll be making an appearance in Issue 3. Our hiatus is almost over, so we plan to start posting pages for Issue 3 soon!