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Topics - Adam Dravian

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Discuss Comic Pages / Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 31 - Spoils
« on: August 23, 2016, 12:12:48 AM »

This is another page that I originally wrote way too much dialogue for. My initial draft goes into more detail about Dean’s older sister Debbie. About how she’s a model who moved out to LA, where she’s now dating a famous movie director and getting some bit movie roles. But none of that’s very important, so it was cut.

So how does Trance know that SlatCorp Tower has machine gun wielding robots patrolling it? Because his dad, Doc Sheen, is a scientist who works for SlateCorp’s robotics research and development division.


Here’s a bit of SN8X lore that I’m not sure when or if it’ll ever get fully revealed in the comic.

Jeffrey “Razor” Moore is 20, while Jennifer Moore is 19. Lucas Moore and his wife Nancy couldn’t have children of their own, so they adopted the siblings when they were 4 and 3 years old. Since Lucas and Nancy were already in their late sixties at the time, they had the kids call them Grandma and Grandpa instead of Mom and Dad.

Nancy passed away 10 years before the start of the comic, and shortly after that is when Lucas Moore opened up the first Pizza Wizard (he had already made a fortune, first through an ancient treasure hoard discovery in 193X, and then again by opening up River City’s first multi-screen movie theater in 196X). Pizza Wizard was a big hit and has already branched out into a national franchise.

Razor moved out of Moore Manor so he could pretend to slum it up like a “real” punk, though he still collects a sizable weekly allowance from Lucas. Jennifer still lives at the Moore Manor while she attends college.

Discuss Blog Entries / Radicast 198X - 004 - Xtro
« on: August 02, 2016, 10:24:44 PM »


Awesome! We finally arrive at the moment where Eddie gets to kick ass with his newfound ninja powers. I’ve been looking forward to seeing this scene brought to life for years, and Jessica didn't disappoint.

Discuss Anything / Poll: Favorite Satan Ninja 198X Babe
« on: July 27, 2016, 09:45:01 PM »
Listed in alphabetical order. Maybe once we hit a certain number of votes, we can declare the winning babe Miss SN8X-verse and Jessica could do a new pinup of the character or something.

Discuss Anything / Poll: Favorite Satan Ninja 198X Character
« on: July 27, 2016, 09:05:07 PM »
Webdude Ghoul just enabled poll-creating functionality to the forums, so I thought I'd test it out with this. I listed the characters in the same order they appear on the "About the Characters" page of the site.


What a terrible apology. Poor Jennifer.

Originally, we thought of calling the page "Wiener Time" but that kind of spoils the joke. Plus, someone scrolling through the archive might mistakenly think the page features the SN8X parody of the '80s video game Burger Time, and then be all disappointed.

By the way, for those who don't know, Burger Time was an arcade game where you play a chef that's being chased around by angry giant personified hotdogs and eggs as you try to put together giant hamburgers by running over top of them. It's pretty rad.


I imagine it’s gotta be frustrating to suddenly have magical hell-spawned ninja powers, but no readily available bad guys to try them out on. So what’s one to do? Why, spend the day walking around the rough parts of the city, hoping to either witness some kind of crime or get harassed yourself. Which can make for a pretty boring day, as even in the shitty parts of River City, crime isn’t non-stop. Especially when a red-eyed muscular dude with cockrocker hair and a weird spiked leather getup is on patrol.

It reminds me of this one day, during my lame period as a self-destructive teen, I wore a pair of dumb looking neon pink and orange sunglasses to school, hoping to bait a “bully” into making fun of me so I could fight him. No one did, probably because I’d already been dismissed as a weirdo by that point. Or maybe I was mistaken and neon pink and orange sunglasses were actually really stylish at the time; I’ve never kept up with fashion trends.

Anyway, it’s rad to see some familiar characters from Issue 1 finally making a return to the comic. I know there’s also a certain badass character that’s been MIA since the first issue, but I promise he’ll be back eventually, and it’ll be glorious.

I don’t think we’ve revealed most of the punks' names yet, so here you go:

Razor (green-haired punk)
Toxic (female punk)
Scorp (black punk)
Sleaze (red mohawk punk)


We didn't plan to introduce a dad character so close to Father's Day, but it's kinda rad that it turned out that way.

If there's ever an SN8X sitcom spin-off, I think the Hyser house would be perfect as the focal point. You have Patrick Hyser, a middle age guy dealing with the loss of his wife and trying to run the family dojo while raising two radically different teenage daughters: Alex, a tomboy who's into martial arts, the history of war, and metal; and Heather, a preppy cheerleader who likes shopping and poetry and stuff. Pre-Satan Ninja Eddie would be the dorky next door neighbor, and of course Grandma McCarthy is the wacky neighbor. Veronica, Ryan, Tina, and Trance would all be likely recurring guest characters.

Shit, now I have to resist the urge to write a dumbass '80s sitcom script for my own amusement.


I can't read this page without hearing the calming score to everyone's favorite show about a teen doctor. Yeah, I know Doogie Howser M.D. is mostly known as a '90s show, but it started in '89, and the reference was too fitting not to use.

I'd say there's a decent chance that peeping ninja is named Vinny.

Discuss Blog Entries / Fun with Statistics!
« on: June 08, 2016, 10:24:14 PM »

Discuss Comic Pages / Issue 3 - Ninja Power! - Page 24 - Sucky Girl
« on: June 04, 2016, 06:32:43 AM »

Jessica ended up having a rough week, which is why this page took longer than expected to finish. It's actually not completely finished yet, as Jessica still wants to add more detail to Alex's room, but we thought it'd be better to post it now and then update it later, rather than keep you waiting any longer. It's updated. Jessica will probably add another poster at some point, but it's good for now.

The April bonus comic on Jessica's Patreon takes place between this page and the previous one. You could sort of think of it as a deleted scene. It's canon, but it's not necessary to the plot.

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