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Messages - Jessica Safron

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Sorry you had to backtrack.  I of course went to watch Quite Riot videos after I posted. 

I'm glad to know you have a little Soul in you Jess.

Haha, no! Don't be sorry! You beat me to the punch, just like with the classical music thing.

Adam wanted it to be a tape at first, but I suggested a record for a couple reasons. He probably has both.

I just feel cassette tapes are much more '80s. I know records were still around, but they weren't the rad new thing. Eddie definitely has both.

Was one of the reasons having an excuse to draw awesome album covers?

I'm sure that had something to do with it. It's also because of movies like Trick or Treat, where a heavy metal record is played backwards and causes evil shit to happen.

Yeah, and then there's this amazing scene from The Gate:

Also, Trick or Treat is great and everyone should see it. Trailer:

I really expected Eddie to be a Cassette guy not a Vinyl guy.

Adam wanted it to be a tape at first, but I suggested a record for a couple reasons. He probably has both.

The title of this page must be a reference to Marvin Gaye's song, and is especially appropriate since Eddie put himself as far away from sexual healing as he could manage..

Actually, I wasn't familiar with the Marvin Gaye song, so I just now looked it up. It's totally not something we'd listen to, but at least now I get your reference.

Okay I know you guys live in a cave but did you really have to look up Sexual Healing?  I know it's not your typical style but a little Soul never hurt anyone. 

I really expected Eddie to be a Cassette guy not a Vinyl guy. 

So is the "Metal Healing"  any way a sideways reference to Quite Riot?  If so should the mask not have been the Hannibal mask from the video?

Dammit, I was honestly in the middle of a reply just now when I got a notification that you posted. I was saying..

"We could just say it's a Metal Health reference. Plus, that would give us kind of a weird excuse for"

...Eddie's barren walls. Except they aren't padded. Never mind.

Anyway, I was indeed aware of the song Sexual Healing.

I think it's a prerequisite for being a good hero.  Of course loosing a stuffed pig and being rejected by the big tit blond is not exactly on the same level as Peter Parker or Bruce Wayne.

You are on spot with taking abuse being a prerequisite, but once the heavy guilt kicks in about the barbecued pig, every time he thinks about his grandma he could be more on the level of Bruce Banner/Hulk. Ninja Smash!!!!!! Poor, poor piggie  :'(

Finally, someone mourns the stuffed pig! I thought it was heart-wrenching.


At first we had Veronica responding to Ryan's comment with "As if!" However, it seems a lot of people strongly associate that particular valley girl speak with the mid-nineties due to the movie Clueless, so we thought it'd be better to go with the more '80s "I'm so sure!"

"As if" does relate more to the 90's.  While many catch phrases and slang are more generational than culture driven I can see how it may be tough to keep that "correct".   

It's frustrating how hard it can be to find out what era certain slang words and phrases were actually prominent during. At one point, we realized that having Trish say "Whatever, Dean," back in Issue 1 sounded a bit more nineties than we'd intended. I think I remember Adam reading something about how it was used in that way in the 80s once on The Golden Girls or something, but it didn't become a real bimbo staple in that "What-EVERRR" sort of way until the nineties.

Looking this stuff up a little bit just now, I learned that there's a thing called "sexy baby voice." Gah.

Discuss Blog Entries / Re: If Adam Dravian Drew Satan Ninja 198X
« on: January 29, 2015, 03:25:27 PM »
Jessica told me she intends to respond to this, someday. But yeah, Rijst is right. She settled for classical. Which, is actually what she said in her story. Come on guys, work on that reading comprehension. ;)

Well I have great reader comprehension.  I was still wondering though, Classical is a broad genre and while I occasionally enjoy it a very boring one.  I really do like Rachmaninoff in minor keys though.  Not sure I would like it sitting in a giant magnet though. 

I personally would have wanted Al Stewart Year of the Cat. 

I was actually gonna say, "To be fair, 'classical' is a whole genre." You beat me to it. Anyway, I have no idea what I listened to, specifically.

Wasn't the Xanax supposed to calm you down already? So what did you listen to in the end?

I was way more calm than I'd been any other time I'd had blood drawn or had an IV. Still had to wiggle my feet and whimper-hum when they put it in, but that's a far cry from crying, hyperventilating, sweating, my face and hands falling asleep, feeling like I'm going to throw up, etc. I have no idea why I'm such a giant baby about it.

I did try listening to Slayer's first album with ear buds when I had to get blood drawn the week after Christmas. It didn't help. That stuff normally pumps me up for anything, but I couldn't even pay attention to it.

Yeah, I'll probably end up toning down the ninja's eyes. That, or we could make up an excuse like, "That's what your eyes look like after you've gazed into Hell, like in The Beyond."

Discuss Anything / Re: Satan Ninja 201X?
« on: January 25, 2015, 06:29:50 PM »
You'd have to call it 199Y then(...)

Pokéninja 199¥.

Jessica had me watch that piece of shit movie the day after she did. Up until then I had thought that she loved me.

It was the same day, Adam. Actually, I hadn't even finished it yet. I just started it over for your benefit and took a shower while you caught up to me. That's how much I don't love you.

Discuss Blog Entries / Re: Music Video: "Words" by Missing Persons [1982]
« on: January 25, 2015, 06:20:08 PM »
JESUS.. CHRIST! Thank you so much for this. Fuck.

Discuss Blog Entries / Re: If Adam Dravian Drew Satan Ninja 198X
« on: January 25, 2015, 06:10:40 PM »
warning: if you're not familiar with Sonichu, clicking on that link could lead you down a very long and insane rabbit hole).

It's true. Adam accidentally became an expert on the entire life of Christian Weston Chandler.

The true story behind that Jessica picture is this: I was putting Jessica to sleep (since her shifts have been starting at around 4am she goes to bed waaaaay before me), and she was adamant that I use her stupid touch screen phone to draw a picture of her before I left. I pretty much hate using any kind of touch screen device to navigate, let alone draw, so I drew that picture of her in mild frustrated annoyance just to placate her.

The true true story is that I'd just had an MRI and was on Xanax for the first time (to treat my severe phobia of hypodermic syringes) and was still feeling a little dumb. The CT scan that helped diagnose my pancreatitis also showed some tiny lesion on my liver. They've determined from the MRI that I have what appears to be a non-cancerous growth, and said I should get an ultrasound in three months to make sure it isn't growing.

So for the MRI, I was given headphones and had my pick of music, just like the assisted suicide service in Soylent Green. My conversation with the radiologists went like this:

Xanaxy-Me: .....How about..... Slayer?

Radiologist #1: Sure, we could do that!

Xanax: Wait.... How about... 80s Slayer? Wait, probably too specific. ....How about..... Danzig?"

Radiologist #2 pops in from somewhere: Lamb of God?

Xanax: Ugh! No way!

Radiologist #1: Don't you want something to keep you calm?

Xanax: Eh, I thought Slayer might make me feel powerful. Just do classical, I guess.

Discuss Anything / Re: Satan Ninja 201X?
« on: January 25, 2015, 05:38:12 PM »
I guess we could do Satan Ninja Twenty-Ex-Teen in thirty years. Maybe we'll catch up with this decade's pop culture by then and be able to ride the inevitable 2010s nostalgia wave.  ;)

I had to come up with ghost characters to parody, and monster-Barbara was the final one I thought to include as I was still sketching the final panel. Actually, it was when I was sketching her that I thought to turn her eyeballs into boobs, which lead to me boobing everyone out. It's Ghostbusties, after all. Seemed like the most appropriate thing in the world.

I was looking up pictures from House for inspiration (goofy as that movie is, I remember parts of it disturbing me as a kid), and I happened upon this:

My anger at how stupid that poster looked compelled me to seek out and watch Ghost Fever in its entirety on Youtube as I worked on the page. I was in a masochistic mood.

Here's the trailer:

The movie was just as bad as it looked. It isn't even worthy of one of Adam's reviews. I feel sorry for any Germans who were bamboozled into watching it by this sweet work of art (but at least they'd have an excuse, unlike me):

There were no tits, no scary ghosts, and no zombies. Fuck Ghost Fever.

Discuss Blog Entries / Re: If Adam Dravian Drew Satan Ninja 198X
« on: January 23, 2015, 08:35:49 AM »
Haha, I like how the special thing "for the bedroom" is so much tamer than your publicly displayed drawing of tits and dick.

If the Ghostbusty looks a little weird, that's because she's a ghost.

So good. I love you.

Discuss Blog Entries / Re: If Adam Dravian Drew Satan Ninja 198X
« on: January 22, 2015, 05:28:24 PM »
Hahaha. I had no idea Adam was going to do this. I love it.

Last night I installed Autodesk SketchBook Express on my phone. As Adam was tucking me in for sleep, I told him to draw me with it, instead of telling me the usual bedtime story about things he saw on the Internet that day.

The exhilarating experience must have inspired him to draw more.

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