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Messages - Jessica Safron

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Discuss Blog Entries / Hottest Fan Art in the Universe
« on: July 28, 2015, 10:20:18 PM »

Yeah, avoiding sweaty activities helps. And the venues were sort of chilly. I had to lift those weights just to keep warm sometimes, but I also had to skip the "rave" and DDR.

Actually, right after the Glitter Milk thing, we went to a dance party at some co-op owned mansion. I wish we took pictures of that; I changed into an off-one-shoulder half-shirt and a skirt for that, but kept the rest of the costume on, minus the leotarad. I probably got sweatier there than I had been in years.

Well, what can I say? Very easy on the eyes, no wonder you won a prize with that.

Thanks! As for the prize, they said they'd email me about it, and that I'd have my choice of a print or something. Still haven't heard from them. Maybe they ended up being more impressed with Jareth after all and changed their minds.

Discuss Blog Entries / Re: Hiatus Continues - GR8bit Live
« on: July 14, 2015, 06:04:57 PM »
I was glad the GR Comic Con guy was nice and tried to be helpful, but I couldn't help but get sort of watery-eyed while talking to him. I feel too strongly about this issue as a whole. I know it's his con and he wants to make as much money as possible. I can't stand this perpetuation of the whole "comics are just for kids" mentality though, among many other facets of this issue.

I agree the "comics just for kids" stuff is ignorant and insulting for pretty much all artist and most readers. Though I guess I can see the need for a family friendly con.  Kids do have as much right to be fans as adults and I'm sure many parents appreciate the opportunity for a safe place for their kids to have the con experience. 

That being said I'm not sure why he discriminates against all other artist by not having a separate section or separate con to accommodate other artist.

No way. Having to be confined to an adult section would be ridiculous. This isn't porn, and there isn't even nudity or anything "harmful" in my display. It's a bit hard to argue my case when I should fully expect to receive flak, doing a comic called "Satan Ninja 198X," but this is bigger than that to me.

At first he was saying that cleavage is fine, then he saw my Morrigan vs. Ryu piece (I'll link to it later) and said the cleavage is too excessive in it, and I would have had to take all my prints of her to my car. I never would have expected that, and it would feel so humiliating having to leave my table to do that walk of shame.

GRASP was his attempt at having a section that's more supportive for more artists, and he lost a whole ton of money on it. So he won't do it again, at least not for another couple years if at all. It looks like it failed because barely anyone heard about it, and people complained that it didn't have enough other events or activities, like cosplay contests or panels or whatever.

Discuss Blog Entries / Re: Hiatus Continues - GR8bit Live
« on: July 14, 2015, 12:45:31 PM »
While it's not the outcome you may have liked, it is pretty cool that guy seemed to go out of his way to help explain his intentions and help you guy's. 

So because it was free this is really the first convention you made a profit at?

I guess it's his convention and if he doesn't want sex and violence in it than that's his choice. I wonder if the audience is very different because of that though, so you might not even sell that much on a convention like that.

I was glad the GR Comic Con guy was nice and tried to be helpful, but I couldn't help but get sort of watery-eyed while talking to him. I feel too strongly about this issue as a whole. I know it's his con and he wants to make as much money as possible. I can't stand this perpetuation of the whole "comics are just for kids" mentality though, among many other facets of this issue.

The convention is so huge that we'd certainly make fans there. It's still marketed as a comic convention, with a great variety of comic book fans in attendance, though the way the guy was talking about it, you'd think it was supposed to be a kiddie carnival.

I think I actually made a teeny tiny profit at GRASP, as well.

This makes me wonder though, have your parents read the comic?

Yes, my parents have read it, and both are wildly supportive of it. They each really want cameos. I'll probably squeeze them into a crowd shot or something at some point.

Discuss Blog Entries / Re: GRASP Comic Expo 2015
« on: July 07, 2015, 11:38:36 PM »
Yo! I finally have a second to reply to you guys.

1st off I am digging the 80's costume and I hope you do all of your future con's in some kind of 80's over the top fashion. 

2nd It is very cool that this con worked out for you,  I do remember some Facebook posts you had about you're disappointment with the rules.

I hope to continue with the 80s costume thing. I'll probably stick with this one for a while because shopping, especially for clothes, stresses me way out. Even if it's just online! I'll never understand people who love shopping.

I ended up wearing the same outfit at Anime Midwest. Con attendees tried guessing all sorts of characters they thought I might be. A couple people asked if I was 80s workout Barbie (one of the times was by a vintage toy vendor who actually had one for sale), and a couple others wondered if I was from Jem and the Holograms. Maybe I should step it up and be the "Misfits" keytarist, Stormer, next time.

That is a very 80s workout costume. Did you dye your hair in the colour of the top or did you pick the top to match your hair? Can't imagine why this was ever fashionable though, is it comfortable at least?

Good to hear you could join the expo after all. Those rules are pretty pathetic, it should be up to the parents to decide if they want their kids to see such stuff and to join and supervise them if not on these things. Perhaps they just introduced the rule so they have something to fall back on if they want someone to leave, but there's hope yet!

My hair was already blue. I was also wearing blue legwarmers. We'll have to post some pictures of the whole outfit sometime.

Wearing the leotard felt okay when I was standing up, but sitting in it for too long was horrible! It's a full-on thong in the back, and after sitting for a while, I felt like the thing was cutting me in half the long way.

As far as the GRASP/GRCC rules go, I really feel like I should write my thoughts on the matter to the convention staff. GR Comic Con was asking people on Facebook why they didn't attend GRASP. I never got around to posting a reply. I hate shopping and I hate complaining to strangers. Guess I'd better gird up my loins and face these arduous tasks head on. :P

Discuss Blog Entries / GRASP Comic Expo 2015
« on: July 01, 2015, 03:22:58 AM »

Thanks, dudes! Reworking art is sort of agonizing for me, so the positive feedback feels all the better. I can't wait to show you guys something totally new.

Discuss Anything / Re: My own custom DEMON HAMMER CD
« on: May 24, 2015, 01:31:31 PM »
Whoooa! I think this is the first legit piece of Satan Ninja fan art we've received! Thank you, Dragon Lord.

I actually used the more Olde Englishy font to evoke the look of some of the most influential Satanic metal bands' album covers in the 80s, like the following:

Discuss Blog Entries / Re: Hiatus Continues - Demon Hammer Album Cover
« on: March 22, 2015, 11:10:39 PM »
The chuck-wielding was inspired by a different metal bassist, but I'm not sure if Jessica wants me to divulge who.

Well, inspired by a chuck-wielding metal guitarist, actually. I'll say that much.

I'm having a Dragon Ball flash back!

Heh, actually, funny you mention Dragonball. When we were first thinking of making SN Eddie's hair grow longer, one of us (probably me) quickly voiced some loose association with the super saiyans of 90s era Dragon Ball (even though we never intended on making his hair look that dumb).

I quite liked Dragonball and DBZ actually, just don't post 3 consecutive pages of Eddie screaming while trying to throw some sort of energy ball because nobody liked that about it..

I was ravenously obsessed with DBZ when I was in middle school. When I was eleven or twelve, all of my art suddenly became a hideous Toriyama imitation. Maybe I'll post some of that horror here someday.

Man, I can't help but feel like the previous page looks so much better. I'll probably try to improve this one a bit over the hiatus. It's mostly the stiff poses in the final shot that bug me. Some wonky looking anatomy, too. I feel like that final shot definitely needs to leave the best impression I can possibly deliver.

I'm having a Dragon Ball flash back!

Heh, actually, funny you mention Dragonball. When we were first thinking of making SN Eddie's hair grow longer, one of us (probably me) quickly voiced some loose association with the super saiyans of 90s era Dragon Ball (even though we never intended on making his hair look that dumb).

This caused us to wonder about hair-growth being part of transformations in the 80s, and I think the best example Adam eventually came up with was She-Ra. Whatever, I'm cool with that.

This is all very clear I think[...]

Yeah you can totally tell Eddie is a little stronger and more bad ass now. 

Adam was extremely concerned that Eddie's changes wouldn't be obvious enough, as well as the fact that Ed's transformation sequence is complete. I assured him that our fans weren't blind.

...Well, I mean, I guess there could be blind people out there having the comic read to them... And I know that we do have some fans who are color blind...

Anyway, glad to hear that Adam was just being paranoid.

Awesome I was hoping we'd get back to the alternate story line before the end of the issue.  Also tying in the other glove is going to be interesting.

I am so pumped for all the supernatural stuff that lies ahead.

She's in trouble if ghostface is coming back to life and she can't use magic because of that bet she made though.

Well, she did okay against a hulking triceradragon man. What's the worst a crusty corpse man could do? ;)

Discuss Blog Entries / Re: TV Show: Maxie's World [1987]
« on: February 25, 2015, 11:54:41 AM »
I love the kid's presentation in that promo so much. I'm not sure why, but I can easily picture him being a huge bratty bitch, frequently throwing hideous tantrums over the smallest things.

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