Issue 4 Page 8 - Newscast Repercussions
July 28, 2018 - 1:29am by Adam Dravian
Fuck yeah! Satan Ninja returns from hiatus! Click the preview image to view the new page!
July 28, 2018 - 1:29am by Adam Dravian
Fuck yeah! Satan Ninja returns from hiatus! Click the preview image to view the new page!
July 9, 2018 - 7:48pm by Adam Dravian
Rad news! Jessica’s feeling a lot better now, so we’re going to resume regular updates to this comic starting on Saturday, July 28th. Mega thanks to our fans that have been so patient and supportive through this, especially those of you that have continued to support Jessica’s Patreon (where, by the way, she’s recently posted the next three pages of Issue 4).
Also, here’s an enthusiastic cyber high-five to everyone who stopped by our table at the Anime Midwest convention this past weekend. To those of you that grabbed business cards and then followed through and actually came to this site: you rule! And to those of you who purchased stuff from us: you mega rule! Thanks!
(Click the "Comments" button if you'd like to see some pictures and video of us at the convention)
All characters in Satan Ninja 198X are portrayed by actors aged 18 and older.
© Dark Relic Productions. 2014-2020.
Jessica Safron and Adam Dravian.
Web design by Jessica Safron.
Web development by Ghoul.