Issue 01, Page 22 Posted
May 31, 2014 - 6:21am by Adam Dravian

And that wraps up the first issue. Issue 02 is well underway and it's looking to be totally fucking awesome.
May 31, 2014 - 6:21am by Adam Dravian
And that wraps up the first issue. Issue 02 is well underway and it's looking to be totally fucking awesome.
May 24, 2014 - 5:15pm by Adam Dravian
Read page 21 here! Just one more page to go and all of issue 1 will be posted.
May 17, 2014 - 8:32pm by Adam Dravian
May 10, 2014 - 5:37am by Adam Dravian
Page 19 is now posted and you can check it out here!
That leaves us with only three more pages before all of Issue 01 - Video Dreamer is available to read on the site. But if you'd rather read the rest of the issue right-fucking-now, or simply want to support the comic, you can purchase the entire first issue from our store (paying whatever you'd like for it). It includes 4 exclusive pages of early concept sketches with commentary by Jessica. And it has a preview of the badass cover Jessica did for Issue 02 - Party Like It's 198X.
Speaking of which, here's Jessica hard at work on one of the pages for Issue 02.
And here's me, probably writing about boobs or something.
We just got our first convention confirmation, so if you'd like to meet us in person and pick up a physical copy of the comic, you should be able to do so at this year's Midoricon.
May 3, 2014 - 8:42pm by Adam Dravian
All characters in Satan Ninja 198X are portrayed by actors aged 18 and older.
© Dark Relic Productions. 2014-2020.
Jessica Safron and Adam Dravian.
Web design by Jessica Safron.
Web development by Ghoul.