August 11, 2015 - 5:04pm by Adam Dravian
The newest episode of our favorite podcast, The Biggest Problem in the Universe, came out today, and the mega-rad thumbnail image for the episode was drawn by Jessica. It also happens to be one of the best episodes of the podcast, so you should totally give it a listen.
So you might be thinking, "Gee, Adam, that's a neat image and all, but when the hell are we getting new pages of Satan Ninja?"
Don't worry, Jessica's been bustin' her hot ass on Satan Ninja art. Not only are we working on Issue 3, but we've got some other top secret Satan Ninja-related projects in the works, which will be unveiled in the next month or so. I'm also doing one final re-write of my horror novel, which should be ready for me to publish just in time for the spooky season.
I know things have been pretty quiet on this website lately, but that's just because we've been so busy working on all this stuff. Our haitus is almost over, and so new pages will be posted soon. If you want to get notified as soon as a new page goes live, you can click the little mail icon on our site's sidebar and sign up for email notifications. You can also follow the comic on Facebook or Twitter and hope you happen to catch our posts/tweets.
Also, Jessica turns 27 this week. So happy birthday to my favorite blue-haired artist babe. Here's a birthday card she quickly whipped up for herself: